Determiner and Noun phrase coordination in modern Greek
This paper focuses on the phenomenon of scope of definite determiner in MG coordinate animate and inanimate nouns. In MG coordinate nouns, a single definite determiner scopes over both coordinate nouns only if the latter refers to the same individual. An exception occurs when the coordinate nouns display semantic or morphological relatedness, a phenomenon which allows the conjuncts to refer to different individuals and still be modified by a common definite determiner. King and Dalrymple (2004) have proposed a syntactic theory on determiner and Noun Phrase coordination combining the nature of agreement features and the distinction between distributive and nondistributive features in coordinate nouns. The aim of this paper is to present and account for the MG data using the aforementioned theory in order to capture these unexpected patterns that occur in definite determiner and NP-coordination in MG.