The Upper German differential
main Austrian-Bavarian vs. (High) Alemannic differences
This essay is essentially a list of phenomena taken from the two large dialect areas of what is called Upper German (for German Oberdeutsch, South German (SG henceforth), comprising Austrian and Bavarian dialects as well as High Alemannic). The author himself speaks natively (base and high school) Viennese Austrian and the dialect of the Montafon, Vorarlberg, as samples of these two dialect areas. Although the critical assumptions of micro-linguistics (cf. Poletto 2000; Kayne 2013; Abraham & Leiss 2013) form the bottom seed, no theoretical discussions are entertained as consequences to the empirical data body. Wherever known to me, however, I included the pertinent bibliographical information that leads to advanced and farther reaching conclusions and generalizations particularly in the spirit of Universal grammar.
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Lee, Meng-Chen & Werner Abraham
Episodic versus generic eventualities and nominals.
STUF - Language Typology and Universals 73:4
► pp. 441 ff.

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