Inner and Outer morphology in Greek adjectival participles
I discuss the distribution of the suffixes -tos and -menos in Greek adjectival participles, and I propose that -tos is the default realization of the stativizing head Asp attaching at the root level (inner cycle) and -menos the default realization of Asp attaching above the little v head (outer cycle), following Embick’s (2003) analysis of the distribution or ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ participial morphology in English. However, particular roots are never listed for -tos vs. -menos in the outer cycle in Greek, unlike English which has “irregular” participial morphology for specific roots in this cycle. I propose that this difference relates to the fact that root irregularity in Greek is systematically dependent on properties of Viewpoint Aspect, while root irregularity in English is dependent on the higher head Tense.
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