Quo vadis, Slovenian bipartite pronouns?
In the diachronic literature, it is well known that reciprocals, which are usually bipartite structures, arise as grammaticalizations of a quantifier and an alterity word, English each other being a typical example. Typical stages in this development are (A) each … other (the parts are independent), (B) each at other (the parts are loosely connected) and (C) at each other (the parts are tightly connected). Mainstream Slovenian seems to have reached stage B, but several speakers can be found using the stage C construction, hinting that Slovenian might be embarking on a further voyage. The aim of the paper is twofold: to call attention to the phenomenon by presenting some initial data on this new development, and to emphasize that not only reciprocals, but all bipartite pronouns are undergoing the same process.