List of tables
Table 1.1Overview of PPA in Romance (adapted from Loporcaro 2010:
Table 1.2Complementarity between CLD and PPA (Tsakali 2006:
Table 3.1Distribution of the participants according to their Catalan variety and
language dominance
Table 3.2Overall distribution of corpus data according to auxiliary selection
Table 3.3Rates of PPA according to the auxiliary verb (be/have) in old
Table 3.4Rates of PPA with the most frequent verbs in Old Catalan
Table 3.5Rates of PPA with irregular (strong) participles in old
Table 3.6Rates of PPA in Old Catalan according to construction type
Table 3.7Effects of definiteness on the rates of PPA in Old Catalan (S)VO
Table 3.8Acceptability ratings of the interaction between PPA and
interpolation in Modern Catalan
Table 3.9Acceptability ratings of PPA according to language variety
Table 3.10Acceptability ratings of PPA according to language dominance