Hopp, Holger, Sarah Schimke, Freya Gastmann, David Öwerdieck & Gregory J. Poarch
Processing to learn noncanonical word orders: Exploring linguistic and cognitive predictors of reanalysis in early L2 sentence comprehension.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46:3
► pp. 686 ff.

Jacob, Gunnar, Moritz Jonas Schaeffer, Katharina Oster & Silvia Hansen-Schirra
The psycholinguistics of shining-through effects in translation: cross-linguistic structural priming or serial lexical co-activation?.
Applied Psycholinguistics 45:3
► pp. 542 ff.

Lyu, Jun, Zuzanna Fuchs & Elsi Kaiser
Anticipatory processing of cataphora is constrained by binding principles in L2 English.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ► pp. 1 ff.

Sanahuja, Noèlia & Kepa Erdocia
The impact of cognate vocabulary on explicit L2 rule learning.
Language Teaching Research 
Fernández Cuenca, Sara & Jill Jegerski
A role for verb regularity in the L2 processing of the Spanish subjunctive mood: Evidence from eye-tracking.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:2
► pp. 318 ff.

Hopp, Holger & Theres Grüter
The time-course of competition from the L1 grammar in L2 sentence processing: Evidence from cross-linguistic structural priming.
Second Language Research 39:1
► pp. 133 ff.

Hopp, Holger & Carrie N. Jackson
Asymmetrical effects of cross-linguistic structural priming on cross-linguistic influence in L2 learners.
Applied Psycholinguistics 44:2
► pp. 205 ff.

Lijewska, Agnieszka
The influence of semantic bias on triple non-identical cognates during reading: Evidence from trilinguals’ eye movements.
Second Language Research 39:4
► pp. 1235 ff.

Limberger, Bernardo Kolling
Leitura de sentenças em alemão por falantes de hunsriqueano: acesso lexical não seletivo e coativação sintática.
Diacrítica 36:1

Yan, Shanshan, Ziyin Mai & Yang Zhao
Positive cross-linguistic influence in the representation and processing of sentence-final particle le by L2 and heritage learners of Chinese.
Frontiers in Psychology 14

Hessel, Annina K. & Sascha Schroeder
Word processing difficulty and executive control interactively shape comprehension monitoring in a second language: an eye-tracking study.
Reading and Writing 35:10
► pp. 2287 ff.

Hopp, Holger
Second Language Sentence Processing.
Annual Review of Linguistics 8:1
► pp. 235 ff.

Kim, Hyunwoo, Yunchuan Chen & Xueyan Liu
Bilingual processing of verbal and constructional information in English dative constructions: effects of cross-linguistic influence.
Cognitive Linguistics 33:4
► pp. 701 ff.

Klassen, Rachel, Nadine Kolb, Holger Hopp & Marit Westergaard
Interactions between lexical and syntactic L1-L2 overlap: Effects of gender congruency on L2 sentence processing in L1 Spanish-L2 German speakers.
Applied Psycholinguistics 43:6
► pp. 1221 ff.

van Dijk, Chantal, Ton Dijkstra & Sharon Unsworth
Cross-linguistic influence during online sentence processing in bilingual children.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 25:4
► pp. 691 ff.

Grüter, Theres & Holger Hopp
How permeable are native and non-native syntactic processing to crosslinguistic influence?.
Journal of Memory and Language 121
► pp. 104281 ff.

Requena, Pablo E. & Grant M. Berry
Cross-linguistic influence in L1 processing of morphosyntactic variation: Evidence from L2 learners.
Applied Psycholinguistics 42:1
► pp. 153 ff.

Wu, Fuyun, Jun Lyu & Yanan Sheng
Effects of L1 Transfer Are Profound, Yet Native-Like Processing Strategy Is Attainable: Evidence From Advanced Learners’ Production of Complex L2 Chinese Structures.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Hayakawa, Sayuri & Viorica Marian
Studying Bilingualism Through Eye-Tracking and Brain Imaging. In
Bilingual Lexical Ambiguity Resolution,
► pp. 273 ff.

Vaughan-Evans, Awel, Simon P. Liversedge, Gemma Fitzsimmons & Manon W. Jones
Syntactic co-activation in natural reading.
Visual Cognition 28:10
► pp. 541 ff.

Soares, Ana Paula, Helena Oliveira, Marisa Ferreira, Montserrat Comesaña, António Filipe Macedo, Pilar Ferré, Carlos Acuña-Fariña, Juan Hernández-Cabrera, Isabel Fraga & Christina Manouilidou
Lexico-syntactic interactions during the processing of temporally ambiguous L2 relative clauses: An eye-tracking study with intermediate and advanced Portuguese-English bilinguals.
► pp. e0216779 ff.

Gullifer, Jason W., Xiaoqian J. Chai, Veronica Whitford, Irina Pivneva, Shari Baum, Denise Klein & Debra Titone
Bilingual experience and resting-state brain connectivity: Impacts of L2 age of acquisition and social diversity of language use on control networks.
Neuropsychologia 117
► pp. 123 ff.

Halberstadt, Lauren, Jorge R. Valdés Kroff & Paola E. Dussias
Kim, Hyunwoo
Second Language Processing of Korean Floating Numeral Quantifiers.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 47:5
► pp. 1101 ff.

Soares, Ana Paula, Helena Mendes Oliveira, Montserrat Comesaña & Ana Santos Costa
Lexico-syntactic interactions in the resolution of relative clause ambiguities in a second language (L2): The role of cognate status and L2 proficiency.
Psicológica Journal 39:2
► pp. 164 ff.

Yılmaz, Gülsen & Monika S. Schmid
Castro, Tammer, Jason Rothman & Marit Westergaard
On the Directionality of Cross-Linguistic Effects in Bidialectal Bilingualism.
Frontiers in Psychology 8

Jackson, Carrie N., Abigail Massaro & Holger Hopp
The impact of L1 structural frequency and cognate status on the timing of L2 production.
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 29:5
► pp. 535 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 18 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.