Berghoff, Robyn & Emanuel Bylund
L2 activation during L1 processing is increased by exposure but decreased by proficiency.
International Journal of Bilingualism 28:3
► pp. 555 ff.

Chung-Fat-Yim, Ashley, Matias Fernandez-Duque & Viorica Marian
Deng, Ting, John W. Schwieter, Huan Lv, Yan Zhang, Jie Yuan & Ruiming Wang
Cross-language activation and semantic judgements of translation ambiguous words among Chinese–English bilinguals.
International Journal of Bilingualism 
Kapnoula, Efthymia C., Mina Jevtović & James S. Magnuson
Spoken Word Recognition: A Focus on Plasticity.
Annual Review of Linguistics 10:1
► pp. 233 ff.

Kim, Hyoung Sun & Say Young Kim
Evidence of rapid automatic translation in Korean-English bilinguals using masked implicit priming: An ERP study.
Journal of Neurolinguistics 69
► pp. 101172 ff.

Chung-Fat-Yim, Ashley, Ronda F. Lo & Raymond A. Mar
Multilingualism and mentalizing abilities in adults.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 26:2
► pp. 456 ff.

Fernandez-Duque, Matias, Sayuri Hayakawa & Viorica Marian
Speakers of different languages remember visual scenes differently.
Science Advances 9:33

Gimeno-Martínez, Marc & Cristina Baus
Keller, Laura, Malte C. Viebahn, Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Kilian G. Seeber & Nicola Molinaro
Unpacking the multilingualism continuum: An investigation of language variety co-activation in simultaneous interpreters.
PLOS ONE 18:11
► pp. e0289484 ff.

Mulík, Stanislav & Haydée Carrasco-Ortiz
Different effects of L1 and L2 phonology on L3 lexical learning: An ERP study.
Second Language Research 39:2
► pp. 493 ff.

Sun, Xin, Rebecca A. Marks, Kehui Zhang, Chi‐Lin Yu, Rachel L. Eggleston, Nia Nickerson, Tai‐Li Chou, Xiao‐Su Hu, Twila Tardif, Teresa Satterfield & Ioulia Kovelman
Brain bases of English morphological processing: A comparison between Chinese‐English, Spanish‐English bilingual, and English monolingual children.
Developmental Science 26:1

Zhang, Er-Hu, Jiaxin Li, Defeng Li, Yiqiang Chen, Xin-Dong Zhang, Xinyi Wang & Hong-Wen Cao
An event-related potential study of cross-modal translation recognition in Chinese–English bilinguals: the role of cross-linguistic orthography and phonology.
Language and Cognition 15:2
► pp. 292 ff.

Freeman, Max R. & Viorica Marian
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 44:3
► pp. 759 ff.

Goodrich, J. Marc & Sergio Leiva
Semantic priming and reading skills among Spanish-speaking dual language learners.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:5
► pp. 1894 ff.

Hui, Nga-Yan, Manson Cheuk-Man Fong & William Shiyuan Wang
Bilingual Prefabs: No Switching Cost Was Found in Cantonese–English Habitual Code-Switching in Hong Kong.
Languages 7:3
► pp. 198 ff.

Lee, Brittany & Kristen Secora
Fingerspelling and Its Role in Translanguaging.
Languages 7:4
► pp. 278 ff.

Villameriel, Saúl, Brendan Costello, Marcel Giezen & Manuel Carreiras
Cross-modal and cross-language activation in bilinguals reveals lexical competition even when words or signs are unheard or unseen.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:36

Wang, Yuanbo, Menglin Du, Keke Yu, Guangyin Shen, Ting Deng & Ruiming Wang
Bi-directional cross-language activation in Chinese Sign Language (CSL)-Chinese bimodal bilinguals.
Acta Psychologica 229
► pp. 103693 ff.

Berghoff, Robyn, Jayde McLoughlin & Emanuel Bylund
L1 activation during L2 processing is modulated by both age of acquisition and proficiency.
Journal of Neurolinguistics 58
► pp. 100979 ff.

Iniesta, Antonio, Daniela Paolieri, Francisca Serrano & M. Teresa Bajo
Bilingual writing coactivation: Lexical and sublexical processing in a word dictation task.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24:5
► pp. 902 ff.

Marian, Viorica, James Bartolotti, Natalia L. Daniel & Sayuri Hayakawa
Spoken words activate native and non-native letter-to-sound mappings: Evidence from eye tracking.
Brain and Language 223
► pp. 105045 ff.

Hayakawa, Sayuri & Viorica Marian
Studying Bilingualism Through Eye-Tracking and Brain Imaging. In
Bilingual Lexical Ambiguity Resolution,
► pp. 273 ff.

Bartolotti, James & Viorica Marian
Learning and processing of orthography-to-phonology mappings in a third language.
International Journal of Multilingualism 16:4
► pp. 377 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 18 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.