We investigated whether bilingual older adults experience within- and cross-language competition during spoken
word recognition similarly to younger adults matched on age of second language (L2) acquisition, objective and subjective L2
proficiency, and current L2 exposure. In a visual world eye-tracking paradigm, older and younger adults, who were French-dominant
or English-dominant English-French bilinguals, listened to English words, and looked at pictures including the target (field), a
within-language competitor (feet) or cross-language (French) competitor (fille, “girl”), and unrelated filler pictures while their
eye movements were monitored. Older adults showed evidence of greater within-language competition as a function of increased
target and competitor phonological overlap. There was some evidence of age-related differences in cross-language competition,
however, it was quite small overall and varied as a function of target language proficiency. These results suggest that greater
within- and possibly cross-language lexical competition during spoken word recognition may underlie some of the communication
difficulties encountered by healthy bilingual older adults.
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