This article surveys nine graduate programs that confer doctoral degrees in Second Language Acquisition, the first of which was founded in 1988, 25 years ago. I examine warrants for the establishment of PhD programs in second language acquisition, the array of institutional bases on which they rest, and their curricula. I also point out distinctive features of particular programs, and report some of the ways in which this relatively new option for graduate education in the field of second language acquisition can be assessed. The goal is to reflect on what the existence and content of PhD programs in second language acquisition contributes to the discipline overall.
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2023. 'Professional development in Applied Linguistics: A guide to success for graduate students and early career faculty' Luke Plonsky (ed.) (2020). Sociolinguistic Studies 17:1-3 ► pp. 321 ff.
2018. An Investigation of the Predictors of Statistical Literacy in Second Language Acquisition. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics 4:1 ► pp. 49 ff.
Gass, Susan
2016. The path I took. Language Teaching 49:4 ► pp. 578 ff.
Gass, Susan M.
2016. The Road Travelled. In Becoming and Being an Applied Linguist, ► pp. 253 ff.
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