Part of
The Lexicon–Syntax Interface in Second Language Acquisition
Edited by Roeland van Hout, Aafke Hulk, Folkert Kuiken and Richard J. Towell
[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 30] 2003
► pp. 151174
Cited by (6)

Cited by six other publications

Smolek, Amy & Vsevolod Kapatsinski
2023. Syntagmatic paradigms: learning correspondence from contiguity. Morphology 33:3  pp. 287 ff. DOI logo
Kapatsinski, Vsevolod
2018. Learning Morphological Constructions. In The Construction of Words [Studies in Morphology, 4],  pp. 547 ff. DOI logo
Kempe, Vera & Patricia J. Brooks
2016. Miniature natural language learning in L2 acquisition research. In Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3],  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Tagarelli, Kaitlyn M., Simón Ruiz, José Luis Moreno Vega & Patrick Rebuschat
2016. VARIABILITY IN SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 38:2  pp. 293 ff. DOI logo
Carroll, Susanne E. & Elizabeth (Nina) Widjaja
2013. Learning exponents of number on first exposure to an L2. Second Language Research 29:2  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Williams, John N. & Chieko Kuribara
2008. Comparing a nativist and emergentist approach to the initial stage of SLA: An investigation of Japanese scrambling. Lingua 118:4  pp. 522 ff. DOI logo

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