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Second Language Acquisition of Articles: Empirical findings and theoretical implications
Edited by María del Pilar García Mayo and Roger Hawkins
[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 49] 2009
► pp. 3766
Cited by (10)

Cited by ten other publications

Hervé, Coralie & Laurel Lawyer
2024. Bilinguals’ sensitivity to specificity and genericity: evidence from implicit and explicit knowledge. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Sabir, Mona & Alaa Melebari
2023. I Want to Marry *the Merchant Banker: An Exploratory Self-Paced Reading Experiment on Arab Learners’ Processing of English Articles . PSYCHOLINGUISTICS 33:1 DOI logo
Zhang, Jing
2023. Um estudo empírico sobre a validade da hipótese de flutuação na aquisição do artigo em português por aprendentes chineses. Diacrítica 36:2  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Wiese, Heike, Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Oliver Bunk, Natalia Gagarina, Kateryna Iefremenko, Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Christoph Schroeder, Anna Shadrova, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Wintai Tsehaye, Sabine Zerbian & Yulia Zuban
2022. Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Kwame, Abukari & Marit Westergaard
2020. The acquisition of English articles among L1 Dagbani L2 English learners. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 65:4  pp. 496 ff. DOI logo
Lopez, Elaine & Mona Sabir
2019. Article Pedagogy: Encouraging Links between Linguistic Theory and Teaching Practice. RELC Journal 50:1  pp. 188 ff. DOI logo
Kanik, Mehmet
2018. Maturational constraint or system preservation. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 28:3  pp. 451 ff. DOI logo
Sabir, Mona
2018. Specificity and article use. Instructed Second Language Acquisition 2:2  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Austin, Gavin, Nattama Pongpairoj & Danijela Trenkic
2015. Structural Competition in Second Language Production: Towards a Constraint‐Satisfaction Model. Language Learning 65:3  pp. 689 ff. DOI logo
Hermas, Abdelkader
2015. The categorization of the relative complementizer phrase in third-language English: A feature re-assembly account. International Journal of Bilingualism 19:5  pp. 587 ff. DOI logo

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