Part of
Language Acquisition across Linguistic and Cognitive Systems
Edited by Michèle Kail and Maya Hickmann †
[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 52] 2010
► pp. 225247
Cited by (16)

Cited by 16 other publications

Altman, Carmit, Efrat Harel, Natalia Meir, Peri Iluz-Cohen, Joel Walters & Sharon Armon-Lotem
2022. Using a monolingual screening test for assessing bilingual children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 36:12  pp. 1132 ff. DOI logo
Rose, Karen, Sharon Armon-Lotem & Carmit Altman
2022. Profiling Bilingual Children: Using Monolingual Assessment to Inform Diagnosis. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 53:2  pp. 494 ff. DOI logo
Deuchar, Margaret, Kevin Donnelly & Caroline Piercy
2016. ‘Mae pobl monolingual yn minority’: Factors Favouring the Production of Code Switching by Welsh–English Bilingual Speakers. In Sociolinguistics in Wales,  pp. 209 ff. DOI logo
Engemann, Helen
2016. Learning to think for speaking about space in child bilingualism. Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XXI:2  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
2014. Cognitive shift in the bilingual mind: Spatial concepts in Korean–English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17:2  pp. 410 ff. DOI logo
Prévost, Philippe, Nelleke Strik & Laurie Tuller
2014. Wh-questions in child L2 French: Derivational complexity and its interactions with L1 properties, length of exposure, age of exposure, and the input. Second Language Research 30:2  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Barreña, Andoni & Margareta Almgren
2013. Object–verb and verb–object in Basque and Spanish monolinguals and bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism 17:3  pp. 337 ff. DOI logo
Serratrice, Ludovica
2012. The Bilingual Child. In The Handbook of Bilingualism and Multilingualism,  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Serratrice, Ludovica
2013. Acquisition of features in the nominal domain in bilingual acquisition. International Journal of Bilingualism 17:5  pp. 657 ff. DOI logo
2011. Parametric variation in acquisition and diachronic change: A response to the commentaries. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 14:2  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Meisel, Jürgen M.
2013. Remarks on the acquisition of Basque–Spanish bilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism 17:3  pp. 392 ff. DOI logo
Meisel, Jürgen M., Martin Elsig & Matthias Bonnesen
2011. Delayed grammatical acquisition in first language development. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 1:4  pp. 347 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2023. Bilingualism at the National and International Levels. In Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization [Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, ],  pp. 60 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2023. Bilinguality. In Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization [Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, ],  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo

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