Knowledge of Reflexives in a Second Language

ORCID logo | Boston College
ISBN 9789027224699 (Eur) | EUR 99.00
ISBN 9781556192418 (USA) | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027281760 | EUR 99.00 | USD 149.00
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This study addresses the debate about whether adult language learners have access to the principles and parameters of universal grammar in constructing the grammar of a second language. The data are based on two related experiments. The first examines the interpretation of English reflexive pronouns by native speakers of Japanese and of Spanish. The second experiment examines the interpretation of the Japanese reflexive zibun by native speakers of English and of Chinese. Three hypotheses are evaluated: (a) that UG is unavailable, and that processing strategies or other non-linguistic principles guide second language acquisition; (b) that UG is available only in the form in which it is instantiated in the learner's native language; (c) that UG is fully available, including the ability to re-set parameters to UG-sanctioned values not instantiated in the learner's native language. The results show that learners observe constraints defined by Manzini and Wexler's parameterized version of Principle A of the binding theory and support the proposal that adult learners have access to universal grammar. A final chapter reviews the experimental data in the light of recent accounts of cross-linguistic variation in the grammar of anaphors which reject parameterization of the binding principles in favor of a “movement to INFL” analysis.
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Cited by (16)

Cited by 16 other publications

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2020. An Experimental Synthesis. In Reflexive Pronouns: A Theoretical and Experimental Synthesis [Language, Cognition, and Mind, 8],  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
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Dekydtspotter, Laurent, Yi-Ting Wang, Bora Kim, Hyun-Jin Kim, Hye-Kyung Kim & Jong Kun Lee
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White, Lydia
2003. Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar, DOI logo
Dekydtspotter, Laurent
2001. The Universal Parser and interlanguage: domain-specific mental organization in the comprehension of combien interrogatives in English-French interlanguage. Second Language Research 17:2  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
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2000. The Interpretation of Quantification at a Distance in English-French Interlanguage: Domain Specificity and Second-Language Acquisition. Language Acquisition 8:4  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Demirci, Mahide
2000. The role of pragmatics in reflexive interpretation by Turkish learners of English. Second Language Research 16:4  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
Ying, H. G.
1999. Access to UG and language transfer: a study of L2 learners' interpretation of reconstruction in Chinese. Second Language Research 15:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Yuan, Boping
1998. Interpretation of binding and orientation of the Chinese reflexive ziji by English and Japanese speakers. Second Language Research 14:4  pp. 324 ff. DOI logo
Ingham, Richard
1996. Review. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 6:2  pp. 303 ff. DOI logo
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Eubank, Lynn
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CF: Linguistics

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LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  93008483 | Marc record