Chapter 5
Early phases of development of German derivational morphology
This chapter presents for the first time an overall
description of the development of German derivational morphology. The
longitudinal spontaneous speech corpora of three children acquiring Standard
Austrian German and their mothers is analysed up to 3;0, with outlooks up to
6;0. The analysis focusses on nominal, verbal and adjectival derivation
patterns that play a role at this early age, as well as on age and order of
emergence, productive use and development of various patterns and its
possible correlation to the respective input. The mini-paradigm criterion is
extended to derivational morphology for attesting potential productivity in
child speech. Only a very small inventory of derivational patterns is
acquired up to 3;0; acquisition of derivation accelerates remarkably during
preschool age.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.German derivational morphology
- 2.1Noun formation
- 2.2Verb formation
- 2.3Adjective formation
- 3.Previous research on the acquisition of German derivational
- 4.Acquisition data and methods
- 4.1Data
- 4.2Methods
- Mini-paradigm criterion (MPC)
- 5.Distribution of derivations in CS and CDS
- 5.1Noun derivation
- 5.2Verb derivation
- 5.3Adjective derivation
- 6.Course of acquisition (nouns and verbs)
- 7.Emergence and productive use
- 7.1Derived nouns
- 7.2Derived verbs
- 7.3Derived adjectives
- Emergences and productivity
- 8.Frequencies vs. age and order of emergence
- 9.Rise of complexity
- 10.Conclusions and outlook
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