Chapter 8
The acquisition of the Lithuanian derivational system
This study is based on the longitudinal corpus data of
two Lithuanian children (1;7–2;7). The aim of the research is to analyse the
production of suffixed and prefixed nouns, verbs, and adjectives in CS and
CDS during the early stages of the acquisition of Lithuanian morphology. The
acquisition of the Lithuanian derivational system seems to be quite an
effortless process. Although a considerable number of errors occurred at the
initial stages, the first derivational families emerged already at the age
of 1;8–1;9, and the number of errors started to decrease rapidly. The period
during which the first derivatives emerge in child speech corresponds to the
transition from a premorphological to a protomorphological stage.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Derivational morphology in Lithuanian
- 2.1Noun formation
- 2.1.1Denominal nouns
- 2.1.2Deadjectival nouns
- 2.1.3Deverbal nouns
- 2.2Verb formation
- 2.2.1Denominal verbs
- 2.2.2Deadjectival verbs
- 2.2.3Deverbal verbs
- 2.3Adjective formation
- 2.3.1Denominal adjectives
- 2.3.2Deadjectival adjectives
- 2.3.3Deverbal adjectives
- 3.Acquisition data and methodology
- 4.Results
- 4.1First occurrence
- 4.2Productive usage
- 4.3Error analysis
- 5.Conclusions
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė, Laura
The Acquisition of Adjective Gradation in Lithuanian Children with Developmental Language Disorder at Preschool and Pre-primary School Age.
Taikomoji kalbotyra 16
► pp. 76 ff.

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