In recent years, the concept of unarticulated constitutes has generated a fierce debate both in the philosophy of language and in linguistic semantics and pragmatics. By unarticulated constituent is meant a propositional (or conceptual) constituent of a sentence that is communicated by the speaker in uttering that sentence, but is not linguistically represented in that uttered sentence. The main aim of this article is to provide a neo-Gricean pragmatic analysis of unarticulated constituents, showing that the current existing mechanism of neo-Gricean pragmatic theory can handle unarticulated constituents in a straightforward and elegant way. Second, I defend the neo-Gricean position that the pragmatic enrichment of unarticulated constituents is nothing but a neo-Gricean, pre-semantic conversational implicature. And third and finally, I briefly evaluate an alternative, formal syntactico-semantic analysis of unarticulated constituents.
2.4Two types of proposition with unarticulated constituents
Type (i)Propositions that need to be completed
Type (ii)Propositions that need to be expanded
3.A formal syntactico-semantic account of unarticulated constituents
4.A neo-Gricean pragmatic analysis of unarticulated constituents
4.1Classic Gricean pragmatics
4.2Horn’s bipartite neo-Gricean model
4.3Levinson’s trinitarian neo-Gricean pragmatic model
4.4Unarticulated constituents in neo-Gricean pragmatics
Type (i) propositions
Type (ii) propositions
5.Pragmatic enrichment of unarticulated constituents: Explicature, the pragmatically enriched said, conversational impliciture or conversational implicature?
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Huang, Aijun & Stephen Crain
2014. Acquisition of the numerical wh-pronoun ji ‘how many’ in Mandarin Chinese. Lingua 145 ► pp. 122 ff.
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