On the concept of “educational linguistics”
This paper was first presented at a language in education conference and workshop held at Murdoch University, Western
Australia in December 1989, convened by Michael O’Toole. The conference was one in a series held annually in universities around Australia
during the previous decade. It was designed to promote dialogue between leading scholars and other participants, adopting as its theme
“Discipline – Dialogue – Difference”. Halliday’s paper was the opening plenary, and it was responded to by Gunther Kress, whose paper
follows in this issue.
Article outline
- 1.Exploring the synoptic and dynamic perspectives
- 2.Deepening and extending the “grammatics”
- 3.Investigating semantic variation
- 4.Continuing to explore the “higher” strata
- 5.Working towards a language-based theory of teaching/learning
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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