In this article, I offer a critical discussion of the work of prominent dialogue theorist Edda Weigand from an integrational linguistic perspective. The discussion centres upon Weigand’s ‘Mixed Game Model’ (MGM), a model which is claimed to constitute a holistic theory of dialogue and to describe how language is integrated in a general theory of human action. I am particularly interested in determining how much (un)common ground exists between the two approaches especially since both style themselves as ‘non-orthodox’ and accord considerable theoretical importance to the notion of ‘integration’. In the end, I come to the conclusion that despite what turn to be some rather superficial areas of convergence, the gap between integrationist and Weigandian thought remains considerable and most likely unbridgeable. I suggest that this state of affairs can be explained by the highly divergent views concerning the nature of linguistic inquiry and the role of theory therein held by those in the respective camps.
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2019. In what sense is integrational theory lay-oriented? Notes on Harrisian core concepts and explanatory terminology. Language Sciences 72 ► pp. 150 ff.
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2019. Integrating the (dialogical) sign: or who's an integrationist?. Language Sciences 75 ► pp. 72 ff.
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