Animation and myth of the hero as discursive device in Mexican political campaigns
López Obrador and Alfredo del Mazo
A political campaign is a dialogical game that will always make a deployment of discursive resources that manage to generate empathy and in that way, obtain the vote of the people. Animation and myth are resources that politicians use in their favor to construct their messages. The reason? These elements are exceptional dialogical units thanks to their power of meaning and cohesion on a personal and social level. This research focus in two Mexican politicians Alfredo del Mazo and Andres Manuel López Obrador, who during their elections – 2017 and 2018, respectively – used digital animation to create a striking propaganda. The critical frame is based on Joseph Campbell, Rollo May, Carlos A. Scolari, Clifford Geertz and Edna Becerril.
Article outline
- 1.Myth is a dialogic mediation with reality
- 2.The figure of the hero in politics
- 3.Mexican politicians in a participative culture
- 4.Animation as a political resource
- 5.Conclusions
- Notes