“I don’t know if we should have that discussion now”
Negotiating procedural frames in collaborative governance of natural resources
Collaborative governance within natural resource management relies on dialogical forums where people can negotiate
complex issues through conversations. In this paper, we investigate situations where procedural frames around these discussions
are negotiated in the conversations between its participants in a corpus from five different natural resource management contexts.
We present how frame discussions are initiated, how actors express that actions are not aligned with the frames, and finally, how
these openings of discourse about the frames are interactively managed, maintained, and closed. We argue norms of inclusiveness,
consensus, and performance shape the interaction and hamper the joint investigation of the frames, and undermine the entire
justification of the collaborative processes and the core quality of dialogical conversations.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Collaboration and normative dialogue in natural resource management
- 3.Method
- 4.Empirical contexts of collaborative governance
- 5.Findings – Negotiating frames
- 5.1Initiating frame negotiations
- 5.2Pointing out frame transgressions
- 5.3What happens when frames are brought up for discussion?
- 6.Discussion and recommendations
- Acknowledgement
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