Creole typology is analytic typology
This paper reviews a number of specific features typical of analytic languages, in an attempt to investigate
whether Creole languages can indeed be grouped, at least structurally, with other languages of the analytic (or isolating) type.
Based on
Sybesma et al. (forthcoming), a study of the nature of analyticity, we
select eight features which constitute rather obvious structural parallels between two unrelated groups, namely Sinitic and Kwa.
In terms of Creole languages, these eight features can be also clearly located within the APiCS (
Michaelis et al. 2013). Contrary to works like
et al. (2011) which argue for the existence of a “Creole Prototype”, our results show that Creole languages do not
cluster with each other against other non-Creole languages. Instead, various Creoles clearly owe their grammatical profile to the
languages that dominate the typological environment in which they are formed.
Article outline
- 1.On linguistic complexity
- 2.Kwa and Sinitic
- 2.1Tone
- 2.2Bare Nouns
- 2.3Determiners and classifiers
- 2.4Inherent objects
- 2.5Verb-object compounds
- 2.6Tense
- 2.7Serialization
- 2.8Reduplication
- 2.9Nominal case marking
- 3.Creole features
- 4.Additional features that Creoles and analytic languages share
- 4.1‘Say’-complementizer
- 4.2Utterance particles
- 5.Conclusions
- Notes
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Cited by one other publication
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Sinitic as a typological sandwich: revisiting the notions of Altaicization and Taicization.
Linguistic Typology 25:3
► pp. 551 ff.

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