dom and datives in Basque
Not as homogeneous as they might seem
This paper analyzes the syntax of dom and causee, experiencer, goal and possessor datives in Basque. It presents
novel criteria distinguishing their categorical status: the possibility (i) to license Depictive Secondary Predication (DSP) and (ii) to
appear as non-agreeing in contexts affected by the Person Case Constraint (PCC). It argues that, contrary to the
rest of the datives, goals are generated as PPs, since they are unable to license DSP, but able to occur as non-agreeing in
PCC-affected contexts. Besides, despite exhibiting the same categorical status as causee, experiencer and possessor datives, it
claims that dom objects are syntactically identical to canonical absolutives, as they show the same configurational as well as Case
licensing pattern, which is based on v-Agree.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.DSP and the original syntactic category of dative arguments
- 2.1The restriction on the controller
- 2.2The categorical origin of dative arguments
- 3.The PCC and the syntax of the arguments implicated in it
- 3.1Preliminaries
- 3.2The dative markers in the finite verbal form
- 3.3
dom objects and the PCC
- 3.4The PP repair strategy
- 3.4.1With PP-like datives
- 3.4.2With DP datives
- 4.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
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Fontes Linguae Vasconum :133
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Bárány, András
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Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6:1
Irimia, Monica Alexandrina
Oblique differential object marking and types of nominals.
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 66:4
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