The phenomenum of "false liaison" (linking errors) in French has almost never been studied in itself. A considerable number of examples from different sources are examined from a lexical, morphological and syntactic perspective. If many instances can be satisfactorily reduced to phrasal affixes (Miller 1991), the remaining cases fall under two types of explanations, analogy and "liaison à distance" (linking from a distance) (Pichon 1935), each of which alone is not sufficient, like the postulation of plural and verbal markers (Kaye & Morin 1982), to cover all the data, and a comparison of the consequences of these accounts is offered. Accounts on syntactical grounds do not make strong predictions, if at all, on this phenomenum, since false liaisons seem to be only loosely restricted. It is suggested that an explanation invoking analogy is possible on a morphological basis for many cases, and that some cases of liaison at a distance may be due to performance error involving the syntactic production stage of an utterance.
2023. Liaisons variables et pataquès dans un corpus de chansons de tradition orale. Langue française N° 219:3 ► pp. 49 ff.
Pustka, Elissa
2023. La liaison sans enchaînement : ce que nous apprennent les livres audio. Langue française N° 219:3 ► pp. 33 ff.
Coutanson, Gasparde
2020. Mettre en place une méthodologie pour l’étude de phénomènes morphophonologiques rares : l’exemple du pataquès. Linx :13
2009. Liaison acquisition, word segmentation and construction in French: a usage-based account. Journal of Child Language 36:3 ► pp. 557 ff.
Côté, Marie-Hélène
2005. Le statut lexical des consonnes de liaison. Langages n° 158:2 ► pp. 66 ff.
Cǒté, Marie‐Hélène
2011. French Liaison. In The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, ► pp. 1 ff.
[no author supplied]
2003. Bibliography. In The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, ► pp. 744 ff.
[no author supplied]
2017. Bibliography. In The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics: A Handbook for Language Teaching, ► pp. 744 ff.
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