Ansarifar, Ahmad, Hesamoddin Shahriari, Shelley Staples & Mohammad Ghazanfari
Biber, Douglas, Tove Larsson, Gregory R. Hancock, Randi Reppen, Shelley Staples & Bethany Gray
Biber, Douglas, Tove Larsson & Gregory R. Hancock
The linguistic organization of grammatical text complexity: comparing the empirical adequacy of theory-based models.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 20:2
► pp. 347 ff.

Biber, Douglas, Tove Larsson & Gregory R. Hancock
Dimensions of Text Complexity in the Spoken and Written Modes: A Comparison of Theory-Based Models.
Journal of English Linguistics 52:1
► pp. 65 ff.

Expanding the scope of grammatical variation: towards a comprehensive account of genitive variation across registers.
English Language and Linguistics 28:1
► pp. 95 ff.

Egbert, Jesse, Douglas Biber, Daniel Keller & Marianna Gracheva
Register and the dual nature of functional correspondence: accounting for text-linguistic variation between registers, within registers, and without registers.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 20:3
► pp. 505 ff.

Hennoste, Tiit, Külli Prillop, Külli Habicht, Helle Metslang, Kirsi Laanesoo-Kalk, David Ogren, Liina Pärismaa, Elen Pärt, Andra Rumm, Andriela Rääbis & Carl Eric Simmul
Ivaska, Ilmari, Silvia Bernardini & Adriano Ferraresi
Martynova, Maria, Yulia Zuban, Natalia Gagarina & Luka Szucsich
Use of Embedded Clauses in Heritage and Monolingual Russian.
Languages 9:5
► pp. 157 ff.

Pang, Shuangzi & Kefei Wang
Pisciotta, Flavio
When constructional choice is a matter of context: sembrare-constructions across a continuum of text genres.
CogniTextes Volume 25

Rosmawati & Wander Lowie
Multifractal Analysis of the Distribution of Three Grammatical Constructions in English Texts.
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 31:1
► pp. 19 ff.

Sheng, Dandan & Xin Li
A multi-dimensional analysis of interpreted and non-interpreted English discourses at Chinese and American government press conferences.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

Conrad, Susan
Register in corpus linguistics: the role and legacy of Douglas Biber.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 19:1
► pp. 7 ff.

Cvrček, Václav, Zuzana Laubeová, David Lukeš, Petra Poukarová, Anna Řehořková & Adrian Jan Zasina
Egbert, Jesse, Bethany Gray & Tove Larsson
Register variation and corpus linguistics: empirical findings and emerging theories. Special issue introduction of Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory in honor of Douglas Biber.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 19:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Sun, Ya & Qiong Wang
Mapping the Field of Register Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis.
Sage Open 13:4

Vandeweerd, Nathan, Alex Housen & Magali Paquot
Comparing the longitudinal development of phraseological complexity across oral and written tasks.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:4
► pp. 787 ff.

Vandeweerd, Nathan, Alex Housen & Magali Paquot
Proficiency at the lexis–grammar interface: Comparing oral versus written French exam tasks.
Language Testing 40:3
► pp. 658 ff.

Wang, Shuang & Dipima Buragohain
A multi-dimensional analysis of CBEC English genre variation in South Asia: Based on Daraz.
► pp. e0279716 ff.

Zhang, Yujiao
A Multidimensional Analysis of Language Use in English Argumentative Essays: An Evidence From Comparable Corpora.
Sage Open 13:3

Kučera, Dalibor & Matthias R. Mehl
Beyond English: Considering Language and Culture in Psychological Text Analysis.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Wingrove, Peter & Peter Crosthwaite
Wood, Margaret
A lexico-grammatical comparison of statutory law and popular written language.
Research in Corpus Linguistics 10:2
► pp. 16 ff.

Biber, Douglas, Jesse Egbert, Daniel Keller & Stacey Wizner
Brugman, Britta C., Christian Burgers, Camiel J. Beukeboom & Elly A. Konijn
From The Daily Show to Last Week Tonight: A Quantitative Analysis of Discursive Integration in Satirical Television News.
Journalism Studies 22:9
► pp. 1181 ff.

Cvrček, Václav, Zuzana Komrsková, David Lukeš, Petra Poukarová, Anna Řehořková & Adrian Jan Zasina
From extra- to intratextual characteristics: Charting the space of variation in Czech through MDA.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17:2
► pp. 351 ff.

Ehret, Katharina & Maite Taboada
Characterising Online News Comments: A Multi-Dimensional Cruise Through Online Registers.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4

Goulart, Larissa & Margaret Wood
Methodological synthesis of research using multi-dimensional analysis.
Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science 6:2

Biber, Douglas, Jesse Egbert & Daniel Keller
Reconceptualizing register in a continuous situational space.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 16:3
► pp. 581 ff.

Biber, Douglas, Bethany Gray, Shelley Staples & Jesse Egbert
Investigating grammatical complexity in L2 English writing research: Linguistic description versus predictive measurement.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 46
► pp. 100869 ff.

Cvrček, Václav, Zuzana Komrsková, David Lukeš, Petra Poukarová, Anna Řehořková, Adrian Jan Zasina & Vladimír Benko
Comparing web-crawled and traditional corpora.
Language Resources and Evaluation 54:3
► pp. 713 ff.

Egbert, Jesse & Michaela Mahlberg
Goulart, Larissa, Bethany Gray, Shelley Staples, Amanda Black, Aisha Shelton, Douglas Biber, Jesse Egbert & Stacey Wizner
Linguistic Perspectives on Register.
Annual Review of Linguistics 6:1
► pp. 435 ff.

Granger, Sylviane & Marie-Aude Lefer
Languages in Contrast 20:2
► pp. 167 ff.

Ivaska, Ilmari & Silvia Bernardini
Constrained language use in Finnish: A corpus-driven approach.
Nordic Journal of Linguistics 43:1
► pp. 33 ff.

Keller, Daniel & Maria Kostromitina
Characterizing non-chain restaurants’ Yelp star-ratings: Generalizable findings from a representative sample of Yelp reviews.
International Journal of Hospitality Management 86
► pp. 102440 ff.

Biber, Douglas & Susan Conrad
Register, Genre, and Style,

Bohmann, Axel
Variation in English Worldwide,

Kruger, Haidee, Bertus van Rooy & Adam Smith
Register Change in the British and Australian Hansard (1901-2015).
Journal of English Linguistics 47:3
► pp. 183 ff.

Dunn, Jonathan
Finding variants for construction-based dialectometry: A corpus-based approach to regional CxGs.
Cognitive Linguistics 29:2
► pp. 275 ff.

Egbert, Jesse & Douglas Biber
Do all roads lead to Rome?: Modeling register variation with factor analysis and discriminant analysis.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 14:2
► pp. 233 ff.

Kruger, Haidee & Bertus van Rooy
Kruger, Haidee & Adam Smith
Colloquialization versus Densification in Australian English: A Multidimensional Analysis of the Australian Diachronic Hansard Corpus (ADHC).
Australian Journal of Linguistics 38:3
► pp. 293 ff.

Shakir, Muhammad & Dagmar Deuber
A multidimensional study of interactive registers in Pakistani and US English.
World Englishes 37:4
► pp. 607 ff.

Biber, Douglas & Jesse Egbert
Register Variation on the Searchable Web.
Journal of English Linguistics 44:2
► pp. 95 ff.

Biber, Douglas & Jesse Egbert
Register Variation Online,

Biber, Douglas & Jesse Egbert
Biber, Douglas & Jesse Egbert
Biber, Douglas, Bethany Gray & Shelley Staples
Predicting Patterns of Grammatical Complexity Across Language Exam Task Types and Proficiency Levels.
Applied Linguistics 37:5
► pp. 639 ff.

Staples, Shelley, Jesse Egbert, Douglas Biber & Bethany Gray
Academic Writing Development at the University Level.
Written Communication 33:2
► pp. 149 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 19 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.