Article published In:
Languages in Contrast: Online-First ArticlesThe intricate construction of projection in news reports
A contrastive English/Spanish account
This paper looks at projection in the discourse of news reports in English and Spanish. The analysis reveals the
extent to which projection pervades these texts, not only at clause complex level – the traditional object of study of
projection – but also below the clause complex, at clause simple and at group level. The discussion of a number of examples from
English and Spanish news reports serves to answer the three research questions guiding this research, which concern (a) the
preferred types of projection in news reports, (b) the preferred realizations of the different types of projection in news
reports, and (c) the main cross-linguistic similarities and contrasts of projection in news reports. The answers to these issues
ultimately contribute to a broader understanding of the concept of projection.
Keywords: hypotaxis, news reports, parataxis, projection, English/Spanish
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methodology
- 3.Logical projection in news reports
- 4.Projection within the clause simplex in news reports
- 4.1Experiential projection
- 4.2Interpersonal projection
- 4.3A particularity of Spanish: Projection signaled by the verbal group
- 5.The intricacy of projection in news reports
- 6.Conclusions and pointers to the future
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
Published online: 1 February 2024
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