Li, Qiang Jason, David Wei Dai & Young Ng
A New Approach to the Interpretation of Geotourism Texts.
Geoheritage 17:1

Cheng, Qi, Xu Yan, Lujia Yang & Hao Lin
Resolving syntactic–semantic conflicts: comprehension and processing patterns by deaf Chinese readers.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 29:3
► pp. 396 ff.

Li, Jia & Xianyao Hu
A better or worse communicator? Comparing human and machine translation in source language shining through across registers.
Lingua 312
► pp. 103834 ff.

Li, Qiang (Jason) & Young Ng
Effective Chinese-to-English biotic interpretation in ecotourism destinations: a corpus-based interdisciplinary study.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism ► pp. 1 ff.

Oster, Ulrike & Isabel Tello
Pei, Jiaming & Fang Li
A Corpus-based Comparative Study on Readability of Maritime News from China Institute of Navigation and The Nautical Institute.
Journal of Social Science and Humanities 6:8
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Wang, Tao, Keyi Yin, Xing Wang & Man Wang
Neural correlates of processing active and passive sentences: proficiency-dependent event-related potential evidence in Chinese English foreign language learners.
NeuroReport 35:5
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Xie, Yonghui, Ruochen Niu & Haitao Liu
A corpus-based study on semantic and cognitive features of bei sentences in Mandarin Chinese.
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 
Huang, Chunhong, Panyu Qin & Xiaowen Wang
Active and Passive Expressions of Tolerance: A Semantic Analysis of the Near-Synonyms ren3 and shou4 Based on MARVS Theory. In
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Malá, Markéta & Zuzana Ježková
The Passive across Two Registers of Present-Day British English: A Corpus-Based Lexico-Grammatical Perspective.
Prague Journal of English Studies 12:1
► pp. 85 ff.

Shin, Gyu-Ho & Sun Hee Park
Isomorphism and language-specific devices in comprehension of Korean suffixal passive construction by Mandarin-speaking learners of Korean.
Applied Linguistics Review 14:3
► pp. 503 ff.

Brandel, Noa
Not all diatheses are created equal: Evidence from semantic drifts.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6:1

Chuang, Andrew H. C. & Haoran Yang
From Translationese to Emergent Irony: A Usage-Based Approach to Chinese Bèi Passive. In
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Kumarage, Shanthi, Seamus Donnelly & Evan Kidd
Implicit learning of structure across time: A longitudinal investigation of syntactic priming in young English-acquiring children.
Journal of Memory and Language 127
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Li, Qiang, Ruixue Wu & Young Ng
Developing Culturally Effective Strategies for Chinese to English Geotourism Translation by Corpus-Based Interdisciplinary Translation Analysis.
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Li, Zhijun
Is academic writing less passivized? Corpus-based evidence from research article abstracts in applied linguistics over the past three decades (1990–2019).
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Hundt, Marianne, Melanie Röthlisberger & Elena Seoane
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Ma, Xingcheng
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Ma, Xingcheng & Dechao Li
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A multidimensional contrastive analysis of linguistic features between international and local biology journal English research articles.
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Ren, Chaowang & Xiaofei Lu
A multi-dimensional analysis of the Management's Discussion and Analysis narratives in Chinese and American corporate annual reports.
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Shin, Gyu-Ho & Boo Kyung Jung
Chen, Chen & Feng-hsi Liu
L2 acquisition of thebeipassive in Mandarin Chinese: A constructionist approach.
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Granger, Sylviane & Marie-Aude Lefer
Languages in Contrast 20:2
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He, Wenguang & Xinghua Bi
Perspective-shifting are helpful for children in Chinese passive sentence comprehension.
Acta Psychologica 205
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Ma, Xingcheng & Andrew K. F. Cheung
Saint-Aubin, Jean, Olivia Beaudry, Dominic Guitard, Myriam Pâquet & Katherine Guérard
The word length effect in backward recall: the role of response modality.
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YU, Zhou & Qingfang ZHANG
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Acta Psychologica Sinica 52:3
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Cook, Angela
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Australian Journal of Linguistics 39:1
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Kuo, Chen-li
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Romano, Francesco
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Journal of English for Academic Purposes 41
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Deng, Xiangjun, Ziyin Mai & Virginia Yip
An aspectual account of ba and bei constructions in child Mandarin.
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Thompson, Dominic, Fernanda Ferreira & Christoph Scheepers
One Step at a Time: Representational Overlap Between Active Voice, Be-passive, and Get-passive Forms in English.
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Zixian Liu, Lester
Chinese Adversative BBi Passive and Its English Translations in Literary Texts.
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Another Visit to BE Supposed to from a Diachronic Constructionist Perspective.
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Hsiao, Yaling & Maryellen C. MacDonald
Production predicts comprehension: Animacy effects in Mandarin relative clause processing.
Journal of Memory and Language 89
► pp. 87 ff.

Hyland, Ken
Methods and methodologies in second language writing research.
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Hyland, Ken
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Kidd, Evan & Joanne Arciuli
Individual Differences in Statistical Learning Predict Children's Comprehension of Syntax.
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Xiao, Yun
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Tsai, Yvonne
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Tsai, Yvonne
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► pp. 865 ff.

Wang, Jia & Caihua Xu
Cue Competition between Animacy and Word Order: Acquisition of Chinese Notional Passives by L2 Learners.
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Xiao, Richard
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Xiao, Richard
Contrastive Corpus Linguistics: Cross-linguistic Contrast of English and Chinese. In
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Xiao, Richard & Xianyao Hu
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Xiao, Richard & Xianyao Hu
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Cao, Yan & Richard Xiao
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Runnqvist, Elin, Tamar H. Gollan, Albert Costa & Victor S. Ferreira
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Jing-Schmidt, Zhuo & Ting Jing
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Bencini, Giulia M.L. & Virginia V. Valian
Abstract sentence representations in 3-year-olds: Evidence from language production and comprehension.
Journal of Memory and Language 59:1
► pp. 97 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 20 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.