Languages in Contrast

Online-first articles

The following articles have been published online-first, and have not yet been published in an issue.

14 May 2024

A contrastive analysis of (-) ish in English and Swedish blogs
Karin Aijmer | 24 pp.

7 May 2024

Reflexivity patterns in West-Slavic languages: Between introversion, extroversion, and mutuality
Martina Ivanová | 26 pp.

1 February 2024

The intricate construction of projection in news reports: A contrastive English/Spanish account
Jorge Arús-Hita | 26 pp.
A contrastive analysis of English deverbal -er synthetic compounds and their Italian equivalents
Elisa Mattiello | 28 pp.

21 November 2023

Fluidic motion patterns in English and Modern Greek: A contrastive analysis of run and τρέχω
Thomai Dalpanagioti | 32 pp.

29 September 2023

The fate of ‘pseudo-’ words: A contrastive corpus-based analysis
Kristel Van Goethem, Muriel Norde and Francesca Masini | 28 pp.

22 September 2023

Intermediate perfects: A comparison of Dutch, Catalan and Breton
Eric Corre, Henriette E. de Swart and Teresa M. Xiqués | 22 pp.