Abbreviations and notations
pronominal possessive adjective (my, your, his, …)
Addressee, the
the person to whom the utterance under analysis is addressed
conceptual representation
deep-syntactic representation
a multilexemic linguistic expression
an E that expresses the meaning ‘σ’
General Phraseology: Theory and Practice
a lexical unit (a lexeme or an idiom)
a lexical unit that expresses X
LA, B, C…
A, B, C, … are the grammemes of the lexical unit L.
L(a, b, c, …)
(a, b, c, …) is the syntactics of the lexical unit L; a, b, c, … are features of syntactics.
L1 – L2
a phrase consisting of lexemes L1 and L2
a phrase where lexeme L2 is a direct syntactic dependent of lexeme L1
a phrase where lexeme L2 is an indirect syntactic dependent of lexeme L1
˹L1 + L2 + … + Ln˺
an idiom consisting of lexemes L1, L2, …, Ln
the signifier of the sign s
a communicatively dominant semantic component
the syntactics of a sign s
Speaker, the
the author of the utterance under analysis (But “a speaker” – with a lowercase “s” – is anyone who speaks a given language natively.)
surface-syntactic structure
X ⊃ Y, X ⊂ Y, X ∩ Y
the set X includes the set Y, the set X is included into the set Y, the sets X and Y have a non-empty intersection.
1. actant X
2. government pattern X
3. explanations X
X and Y, which are traditionally spelled as two words, represent a single wordform/lexeme.
X ≅ Y
X and Y are approximately equivalent.
| C
C is the set of conditions under which the given rule – presented to the left of the vertical bar “ | ” – can apply.
a zero linguistic sign, i.e. a sign whose signifier is empty
operation of linguistic union
introduces an explanation concerning notations, abbreviations, and the like.
introduces an important remark.
introduces an important remark that, however, is logically marginal at the given spot.
in a linguistic rule, the context