Chapter 4
The theory
Article outline
- 1.The notion of idiom
- 1.1The definition of idiom
- 1.2Properties of an idiom
- 1.2.1Idioms non-compositional in their signifier and/or in their syntactics
- 1.2.2Semantically more or less transparent idioms
- 1.2.3Syntactically discontinuous idioms
- 1.2.4The part of speech of an idiom
- 1.2.5Idioms and degenerate lexemes
- 1.2.6Idioms and their “variants”
- 1.2.7Idioms and their polysemy/homonymy
- Idiom polysemy
- Idiom homonymy
- 1.2.8Idioms and their lexical functions
- 2.The three major classes of idioms
- 2.1Strong idioms
- 2.2Semantic pivot; semi-idioms
- 2.3Weak idioms
- 2.4Pseudo-lexemic idioms = Idiomatic compounds2
- 3.Three general problems concerning idioms
- 3.1“Artistic” deformation of idioms in speech
- 3.2Regular grammatical transformations of idioms in language
- 3.2.1Passivization of a verbal idiom
- 3.2.2Semantic inflection of an internal component of an idiom
- The number of an internal noun
- The degree of an internal adjective
- 3.2.3Internal modification of an idiom’s nominal component
- 3.2.4Changing word order in an idiom
- 3.3Breaking down, or dissolution, of idioms; quasi-unilexemes
- 4.Lexicographic description of idioms
- Internal syntactic modification
- Word order constraints
- Morphological indications
- Prosodic indications