Chapter 5
Lexicographic description of three Russian idioms
Article outline
- 1.The Russian idiom ˹užas kakoj˺1 ‘extreme(ly)’
- 1.1The problem stated
- 1.2The lexical status of the phrase užas kakoj [X(Σ)]: An idiom
- 1.3The syntactic structure of the idiom ˹užas kakoj˺1
- 1.4Lexicographic description of the idioms ˹užas kakoj˺1 and ˹užas kak˺1
- 1.5Other Russian expressions including the noun užasii.1 ‘horrorii’
- 1.5.1Russian idioms of the form užasii.1←K-Word
- 1.5.2Russian free phrases of the form užasii.1,←bytʹ–⋯→K-Word
- basic facts about the phrases of the užasii.1[, kakoj…] Type
- Semantic differences
- Syntactic differences
- lexicographic description of the noun užasii.1
- 1.5.3Summing up: Russian situation-evaluative nouns
- 2.The Russian idiom ˹čto za˺ ‘what kind of’
- 2.1The problem stated
- 2.2The lexical status of the expression čto za [X]? An idiom
- 2.3The syntactic structure of the idiom ˹čto za˺1 [X]
- 2.4Lexicographic description of the idioms ˹čto za˺1 and ˹čto za˺2
- SSynt-structure
- Linear arrangement
- Inflectional constraints
- Definition
- Lexical functions
- Examples
- Definition
- Lexical functions
- Examples
- 3.The Russian idiom ˹anjutiny glazki˺ ‘pansies’
- 3.1The problem stated
- 3.2Lexicographic description of the idiom ˹anjutiny glazki˺
- Definition
- Lexical functions
- Examples