This paper examines determiner sharing from a crosslinguistic perspective. After reviewing the restrictions on English determiner sharing, it prevents new data, coming mostly from Polish, showing that these restrictions are not universal. The properties of Polish determiner sharing are further shown to be problematic for the currently most popular analysis of this construction, the so-called small conjunct analysis of Johnson (2000) and Lin (2000). The alternative suggested in the paper, based on Citko’s (2005) multi-dominance analysis of ATB wh-movement, derives the properties of determiner sharing from a structure in which the determiner is literally shared between the two conjuncts.
2015. Quantifier Sharing. Korean Journal of Linguistics 40:1 ► pp. 67 ff.
Abe, Jun & Norbert Hornstein
2012. “Lasnik‐Effects” and String‐Vacuous ATB Movement. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 169 ff.
Biberauer, Theresa & Michelle Sheehan
2012. Disharmony, Antisymmetry, and the Final‐over‐Final Constraint. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 206 ff.
Bošković, Željko
2012. Don't Feed Your Movements When You Shift Your Objects. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 245 ff.
Bury, Dirk & Hiroyuki Uchida
2012. Constituent Structure Sets II. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 19 ff.
Citko, Barbara
2012. A Parallel Merge Solution to the Merchant/Johnson Paradox. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 44 ff.
Citko, Barbara
2018. On the Relationship between Forward and Backward Gapping. Syntax 21:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
Epstein, Samuel David, Hisatsugu Kitahara & T. Daniel Seely
2012. Structure Building That Can't Be. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 253 ff.
Fábregas, Antonio
2012. Evidence for Multidominance in Spanish Agentive Nominalizations. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 66 ff.
Gračanin‐Yuksek, Martina
2012. Clitic Placement and Multidominance. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 93 ff.
Lahne, Antje
2012. Specificity‐driven Syntactic Derivation. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 271 ff.
Lechner, Winfried
2012. Structure Building From Below: More on Survive and Covert Movement. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 297 ff.
Miyamoto, Yoichi
2012. On Transparent Adjuncts in Japanese. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 330 ff.
Nunes, Jairo
2012. Sideward Movement: Triggers, Timing, and Outputs. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 114 ff.
Obata, Miki & Samuel David Epstein
2012. Feature‐Splitting Internal Merge: The Case ofTough‐constructions. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 366 ff.
Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria & Vidal Valmala
2012. Ways of Structure Building,
Uribe‐Etxebarria, Myriam & Vidal Valmala
2012. Overview. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 1 ff.
Vries, Mark de
2012. Unconventional Mergers. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 143 ff.
Jeong-Seok Kim & Keun-Won Sohn
2011. A Note on Gapping and Left-Peripheral Ellipsis. Studies in Generative Grammar 21:1 ► pp. 49 ff.
[no author supplied]
2012. Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. 424 ff.
[no author supplied]
2012. Copyright Page. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. vi ff.
[no author supplied]
2012. General Preface. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. xi ff.
[no author supplied]
2012. Notes on Contributors. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. xiii ff.
[no author supplied]
2012. Abbreviations. In Ways of Structure Building, ► pp. xvii ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 24 october 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.