Memory, Psychology and Second Language Learning

| British University in Dubai
ISBN 9789027219770 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027219787 | EUR 36.00 | USD 54.00
ISBN 9789027292148 | EUR 105.00/36.00*
| USD 158.00/54.00*
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This book explores the contributions that cognitive linguistics and psychology, including neuropsychology, have made to the understanding of the way that second languages are processed and learnt. It examines areas of phonology, word recognition and semantics, examining ‘bottom-up’ decoding processes as compared with ‘top-down’ processes as they affect memory. It also discusses second language learning from the acquisition/learning and nativist/connectionist perspectives. These ideas are then related to the methods that are used to teach second languages, primarily English, in formal classroom situations. This examination involves both ‘mainstream’ communicative approaches, and more traditional methods widely used to teach EFL throughout the world. The book is intended to act both as a textbook for students who are studying second language teaching and as an exploration of issues for the interested teacher who would like to further extend their understanding of the cognitive processes underlying their teaching.

Mick Randall is currently Senior Lecturer in TESOL and Head of the Institute of Education at the British University in Dubai. He has taught courses in second language learning and teaching, applied linguistics and psychology in a number of different contexts. He has a special interest in the cognitive processing of language and in the psycholinguistics of word recognition, spelling and reading.

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 19] 2007.  x, 220 pp.
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Table of Contents
“Randall's book can prove quite useful to anyone interested in gaining a general insight to the main aspects of psycholinguistics with respect to second language learning...the book provides very useful information for language teachers,especially in the last two chapters.”
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Main BIC Subject

CFDM: Bilingualism & multilingualism

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2007018286 | Marc record