Chapter 8
Talking about language
L2 learners’ use of metalinguistic knowledge on
contrasting pedagogic tasks
This qualitatively oriented study
investigated the role of second language (L2) metalinguistic
knowledge in languaging during performance on two pedagogic
tasks – a gap-fill and a dictogloss. It involved 14 L1
English university-level learners of L2 Spanish
(N = 8) and L2 German
(N = 6). Drawing on individual
think-aloud protocols and learners’ pair-work interactions,
we investigated the extent to which metalinguistic knowledge
was used during task completion, its purposes, and whether
it was associated with successful task performance. Although
considerable inter-learner variation was in evidence, we
identified a relationship not only between the use of
metalinguistic knowledge and successful task completion but
also between the purpose for which metalinguistic knowledge
was employed during languaging and the balance of expertise
between partners.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Metalinguistic knowledge in contrasting pedagogic
- The present study
- Participants
- Method
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Results
- RQ1: To what extent do individuals and dyads use MLK on
two pedagogic tasks, a gap-fill and a
- RQ2: What is the relationship between use of MLK and
successful performance on the two tasks?
- RQ3: For what purposes is MLK used during successful
performance on the two tasks?
- RQ4: What is the relationship between purpose of MLK
and balance of expertise during successful performance
on the dictogloss task?
- Discussion
- Conclusion