Chapter 8
Customizing Web 2.0 tools to writing pedagogy
TPACK-based professional development of L2 writing teachers
In this study, we explored L2 writing teachers’ professional
development in terms of Web 2.0-mediated writing pedagogy within the
technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework. Using
reflective journals and in-depth interviews, we found that in an online L2
writing teacher education course, the writing teachers learned that, for
their instruction to be effective, they need to purposefully design Web
2.0-mediated writing tasks, guide learners’ use of Web 2.0 tools, and
develop collaborative writing procedures for Web 2.0-based task completion.
The participants further highlighted the importance of adaptive L2 writing
instruction/assessment, learner-oriented writing instruction, their
mediatory roles as writing facilitators, selection of Web 2.0 tools for
writing pedagogy, and digital tools as writing e-portfolios.
Article outline
- Review of the literature
- CALL teacher PD
- Teachers’ TPACK
- L2 writing TE and technology
- Methods
- Participants
- Instruments
- Procedures
- Results
- Teachers’ TPACK-based PD
- Teachers’ perceptions
- Discussion
- Conclusion
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