Chapter 7
Using COLT in research
Article outline
- Research summaries (1st edition)
- Use of COLT Part A
- Observing with COLT in intensive ESL classrooms in Quebec, Canada
- Communicative language teaching in Greek high schools
- Examining process-product relationships in adult ESL classes
- COLT: Observations and Activities
- Use of COLT Part A and B
- Core French process-product study
- A study of communicative orientation and language learning outcomes
in French in Australian secondary
- New research summaries
- Original COLT
- Using COLT in an EFL professional development program in Turkey
- Language attention in content-based instruction: The case of language instructors teaching content in a foreign language in Mexican higher education
- Interactional feedback and instructional counterbalance
- Digital COLT
- Assessing the effectiveness of the COLT scheme as a reflection tool for high school teachers of English: A summary
- Providing quantitative data with AI Mobile COLT to support the reflection process in language teaching and
pre-service teacher training
- Using COLT Part B to analyze preservice teacher classroom interactions
- Future research with COLT
- Prospects for Automatic COLT Part B Coding
- Using Automatic AI COLT coding analysis system in pre-service language
teacher training