Multilingualism represents a global challenge and a goal of education in European
states. This meta-analysis examines how research studies on multilingual
educational policy documents on a macro-level (national/regional) in Sweden and
Switzerland differ in terms of foci and how the discourses in the articles
represent different treatments of multilingual educational language policies.
These countries were selected because of their similarities regarding the
societal context, but they are different in regard to language policy issues and
political formation. The articles were systematically identified via two
databases, ERIC and LLBA, and in order to examine the latest developments after
the introduction of a new language act in Sweden and the harmonization of public
education in Switzerland in 2009, only research articles published between 2009
and 2016 were included. The results of the study suggest that a monolingual
habitus exists in the Swedish nation state context compared to a more
pluralistic approach in Switzerland. The most noteworthy result is the diverging
definitions of multilingualism and plurilingual
students and how this understanding influences the treatment of
educational policies in these two linguistically and culturally superdiverse
European countries.
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