Book review
David J. Peterson. The art of language invention: From
horse-lords to dark elves, the words behind the world-building
References (5)
Couturat, L., & Leau, L. (1903). Histoire de la langue universelle. Paris: Hachette.
Garvía, R. (2015). Esperanto and its rivals: The struggle for an international language. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 

Haspelmath, M. (2001). The European linguistic area: Standard Average European. In M. Haspelmath, F. König, W. Osterreicher and W. Raible (Eds.), Language typology and language universals: An international handbook, Vol 2 (pp. 1492–1510). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 

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Maat, J. (2004). Philosophical languages in the seventeenth century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz. Berlin: Springer Science.