Book review
Thomas Ricento (Ed.). Language politics and policies. Perspectives from Canada and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 318 pp. Hb. £95.00
References (3)
Ricento, T. K. and Burnaby, B. (Eds). (1998). Language and politics in the United States and Canada: Myths and Realities. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 

Schmidt, R. (2015). Democratic theory and the challenge of linguistic diversity. In T. Ricento, Y. Peled & P. Ives (Eds), Language policy and political theory (pp. 101–18). Cham: Springer. 

Simon, S. (1992). The language of cultural difference: Figures of alterity in Canadian translation. In L. Venuti (Ed.), Rethinking translation: Discourse, subjectivity, ideology (pp. 159–176). London: Routledge.