Book review
Dirk Delabastita and Ton Hoenselaars (Eds.). Multilingualism in the drama of Shakespeare and his
References (7)
Blank, P. (1996). Broken English: Dialects and the politics of language in Renaissance writings. London: Routledge. 

Burke, P. (2004). Languages and communities in early modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Hoenselaars, T. (2004). Shakespeare and the language of translation. London: Thomson Learning.
Kerrigan, J. (2008). Archipelagic English: Literature, history, and politics 1603–1707. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lloyd, M. S. (2007). “Speak it in Welsh”: Wales and the Welsh language in Shakespeare. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Montgomery, M. (2012). Europe’s languages on England’s stages, 1590–1620. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Yungblut, L. H. (1996). Strangers settled here amongst us: Policies, perceptions and the presence of aliens in Elizabethan England. London: Routledge.