It is the aim of this chapter to reveal ways in which standard language ideology has been shaping multilingual practices and conceptions of multilingualism across Europe. At the same time, it serves as a resumé of the findings from the regional case studies in this volume, with an attempt to provide a typology of standard languages cultures in Europe.
2024. Codification in the shadow of standards: ideologies in early nineteenth-century metalinguistic texts on Luxembourgish. Language & History 67:3 ► pp. 225 ff.
Blomqvist, Oliver
2024. Finnish reported speech and Swedish intratextual translations in 17th-century court records. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 10:1 ► pp. 63 ff.
2023. Ideological debates around the script of collateral languages: the case of Kashubian and Silesian in Poland. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development► pp. 1 ff.
Kött, André & Ulrike Vogl
2023. The role of nativeness in early modern foreign language learning: evidence from teaching materials. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 9:2 ► pp. 221 ff.
Risberg, Lydia
2023. Recommendations for the meanings of words by Estonian language planning – justified and necessary, or not?. Taikomoji kalbotyra 20 ► pp. 53 ff.
Krämer, Philipp, Eric Mijts & Angela Bartens
2022. Language Making of Creoles in multilingual postcolonial societies. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2022:274 ► pp. 51 ff.
Krämer, Philipp, Ulrike Vogl & Leena Kolehmainen
2022. What is “Language Making”?. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2022:274 ► pp. 1 ff.
2022. Miss Belgium, Coca-Cola and Flemish carwashes . Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 11
Vogl, Ulrike & Truus De Wilde
2022. Teachers as foreign Language Makers: on standard language ideology, authenticity and language expertise. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2022:274 ► pp. 107 ff.
Krogull, Andreas
2021. Rethinking Historical Multilingualism and Language Contact ‘from Below’. Evidence from the Dutch-German Borderlands in the Long Nineteenth Century. Dutch Crossing 45:2 ► pp. 147 ff.
McLelland, Nicola
2021. Language standards, standardisation and standard ideologies in multilingual contexts. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42:2 ► pp. 109 ff.
Walsh, Olivia
2021. Introduction: in the shadow of the standard. Standard language ideology and attitudes towards ‘non-standard’ varieties and usages. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42:9 ► pp. 773 ff.
Bürki, Yvette
2020. Connecting micro and macro sociolinguistic processes through narratives. A glottopolitical Gaze. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 41:1 ► pp. 12 ff.
Wiese, Heike
2020. Contact in the City. In The Handbook of Language Contact, ► pp. 261 ff.
van der Wal, Marijke
2018. Early Modern migrants in a language contact setting: Characteristics of the Dutch Heusch correspondence (1664–1665)
. Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 4:2 ► pp. 253 ff.
Wiese, Heike, Katharina Mayr, Philipp Krämer, Patrick Seeger, Hans‐Georg Müller & Verena Mezger
2017. Changing teachers' attitudes towards linguistic diversity: effects of an anti‐bias programme. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 27:1 ► pp. 198 ff.
Van Mensel, Luk
2016. Children and choices: the effect of macro language policy on the individual agency of transnational parents in Brussels. Language Policy 15:4 ► pp. 547 ff.
Dannerer, Monika
2015. Gewünschte, gelebte und verdeckte Mehrsprachigkeit an der Universität. ÖDaF-Mitteilungen 31:2 ► pp. 144 ff.
Dannerer, Monika
2017. Sprachliche Repertoires an der Universität. Sprachliche Vielfalt und Einstellungen zu Mehrsprachigkeit an der Universität Salzburg. ÖDaF-Mitteilungen 33:1 ► pp. 63 ff.
Dannerer, Monika
2020. The university as a terrain for hidden language conflicts? German, English and the silence beyond them
. Sociolinguistica 34:1 ► pp. 131 ff.
Delarue, Steven & Johan De Caluwe
2015. Eliminating social inequality by reinforcing standard language ideology? Language policy for Dutch in Flemish schools. Current Issues in Language Planning 16:1-2 ► pp. 8 ff.
Peled, Yael
2015. Parity in the plural. Language Problems and Language Planning 39:3 ► pp. 282 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.