They have to die for the goals
WAR metaphors in English and German football radio commentary
Many central items in football terminology are conspicuously metaphorical,
for example shoot, attack or German schießen, angreifen. Yet, the role played by
metaphor in football vocabulary has attracted little attention so far. This chapter
presents a corpus-based investigation of metaphor in football jargon. Two
corpora of radio commentaries in English and German (approx. 100,000 words
each) were examined for linguistic and conceptual metaphor. The objective of
this study was to show that, despite a relatively straightforward relation between
English terms and their German equivalents, English and German exhibit striking
differences with regard to football is war, especially in terms of productivity.
In order to verify this claim, a combination of quantitative and qualitative
methods was employed to show how one source domain (war) can play different
roles in the same specialist target domain (football) across languages.
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