Article published In:
Metaphor and the Social World
Vol. 1:1 (2011) ► pp.5356
Cited by (61)

Cited by 61 other publications

Athanasiadou, Angeliki
2024. On the margins of figurative thought and language. Lingua 299  pp. 103655 ff. DOI logo
Augé, Anaïs
2024. Situationally-triggered metaphor as political argument. Journal of Argumentation in Context 13:1  pp. 106 ff. DOI logo
Pang, Yang & Lanping Li
2024. Deliberate metaphors in English as a lingua franca interactions: characteristics and constructing processes. Asian Englishes 26:1  pp. 156 ff. DOI logo
Julich-Warpakowski, Nina & Paula Pérez Sobrino
2023. Introduction. Metaphor and the Social World 13:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Juanjuan, Jiajun Du, Ting Zheng & Yi Sun
2023. The Psychological Reality of Chinese Deliberate Metaphors from the Reception Side: An Experimental Approach. Brain Sciences 13:2  pp. 160 ff. DOI logo
Werkmann Horvat, Ana, Marianna Bolognesi & Nadja Althaus
2023. Attention to the source domain of conventional metaphorical expressions: Evidence from an eye tracking study. Journal of Pragmatics 215  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Muelas-Gil, María
2022. Review of Di Biase-Dyson & Egg (2020): Drawing Attention to Metaphor. Metaphor and the Social World 12:2  pp. 340 ff. DOI logo
Mujagić, Mersina
2022. The Migration as an Invasion and the Common European House metaphors in media discourse. ExELL 10:1  pp. 22 ff. DOI logo
Mujagić, Mersina
2023. Figurative Conceptualizations of Nations, Countries, and Institutions in Newspaper Articles on Migration. Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies :32/2  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Mujagić, Mersina
2024. Politics metaphor in British and Bosnian-Herzegovinian migration discourse. Russian Journal of Linguistics 28:1  pp. 144 ff. DOI logo
Pehlivanović, Alma & Mersina Mujagić
2022. The linguistic metaphor storm clouds in public discourse on COVID-19. Post Scriptum 11:11  pp. 339 ff. DOI logo
Zibin, Aseel
2022. The type and function of metaphors in Jordanian economic discourse: A critical metaphor analysis approach. Language Sciences 93  pp. 101488 ff. DOI logo
Abdel-Raheem, Ahmed
2021. Conceptual blending and (im)politeness in political cartooning. Multimodal Communication 10:3  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Lancaster, Mason D.
2021. Metaphor Research and the Hebrew Bible. Currents in Biblical Research 19:3  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Vereza, Solange
2021. The fabric of metaphor in discourse. In Figurative Language - Intersubjectivity and Usage [Figurative Thought and Language, 11],  pp. 339 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Yi
2021. Metaphor in Science Communication: With Special Reference to Jade Rabbit of the Moon Rover. Science Communication 43:6  pp. 719 ff. DOI logo
Beger, Anke & Thomas H. Smith
2020. Introduction. In How Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science [Figurative Thought and Language, 6],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla
Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla & Markus Egg
2020. Drawing attention to metaphor. In Drawing attention to metaphor [Figurative Thought and Language, 5],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Ferella, Chiara
2020. Early Greek medical metaphors and the question of deliberateness. In Drawing attention to metaphor [Figurative Thought and Language, 5],  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Horn, Fabian
2020. “Entering the house of Hades”. In Drawing attention to metaphor [Figurative Thought and Language, 5],  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, José Manuel
2020. Review of Bolognesi, Brdar & Despot (2019): Metaphor and metonymy in the digital age. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18:2  pp. 576 ff. DOI logo
Beger, Anke
2019. The contested notion of ‘deliberate metaphor’: What can we learn from ‘unclear’ cases in academic lectures?. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 7:1  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Chłopicki, Władysław & Liisi Laineste
2019. WITHDRAWN: Editorial. Communication styles: Between deliberate strategy and ambivalence. Journal of Pragmatics DOI logo
Chłopicki, Władysław & Liisi Laineste
2019. Communication styles: Between deliberate strategy and ambivalence. Journal of Pragmatics 153  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Laineste, Liisi & Władysław Chłopicki
2019. Co-construction of metaphors in Estonian conversation. Journal of Pragmatics 153  pp. 92 ff. DOI logo
Laineste, Liisi & Władysław Chłopicki
2023. Humorous Use of Figurative Language in Religious Hate Speech. In Hate Speech in Social Media,  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Mujagić, Mersina & Sanja Berberović
2019. The IMMIGRANTS ARE ANIMALS metaphor as a deliberate metaphor in British and Bosnian-Herzegovinian media. ExELL 7:1  pp. 22 ff. DOI logo
Müller, Cornelia
2019. Metaphorizing as Embodied Interactivity: What Gesturing and Film Viewing Can Tell Us About an Ecological View on Metaphor. Metaphor and Symbol 34:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Rewiś-Łętkowska, Anna
2019. The linguistic, conceptual and communicative dimension of metaphor: A corpus study of conversational Polish. Journal of Pragmatics 153  pp. 80 ff. DOI logo
Vainik, Ene & Dorota Brzozowska
2019. The use of positively valued adjectives and adverbs in Polish and Estonian casual conversations. Journal of Pragmatics 153  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Creed, Allison
2018. Gola, E., & Ervas, F. (Eds.). (2016). Metaphor and Communication . Metaphor and the Social World 8:1  pp. 134 ff. DOI logo
Reijnierse, W. Gudrun, Christian Burgers, Tina Krennmayr & Gerard J. Steen
2018. DMIP: A Method for Identifying Potentially Deliberate Metaphor in Language Use. Corpus Pragmatics 2:2  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Steen, Gerard
2017. Deliberate Metaphor Theory: Basic assumptions, main tenets, urgent issues. Intercultural Pragmatics 14:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Browse, Sam
2016. Revisiting Text World Theory and extended metaphor: Embedding and foregrounding extended metaphors in the text-worlds of the 2008 financial crash. Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 25:1  pp. 18 ff. DOI logo
Tay, Dennis
2016. A variational approach to deliberate metaphors. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3:2  pp. 277 ff. DOI logo
Thonus, Terese & Beth L. Hewett
2016. Follow this path. Metaphor and the Social World 6:1  pp. 52 ff. DOI logo
Vereza, Solange Coelho
2016. COGNIÇÃO E SOCIEDADE: UM OLHAR SOB A ÓPTICA DA LINGUÍSTICA COGNITIVA. Linguagem em (Dis)curso 16:3  pp. 561 ff. DOI logo
Xu, Cihua, Chuanrui Zhang & Yicheng Wu
2016. Enlarging the scope of metaphor studies. Intercultural Pragmatics 13:3 DOI logo
Littlemore, Jeannette
2015. Metaphor in specialist discourse. In Metaphor in Specialist Discourse [Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Communication, 4],  pp. 299 ff. DOI logo
Low, Graham
2015. A practical validation model for researching elicited metaphor. In Elicited Metaphor Analysis in Educational Discourse [Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Communication, 3],  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Negrea-Busuioc, Elena & L. David Ritchie
2015. When ‘seeking love is travel by bus’. Metaphor and the Social World 5:1  pp. 60 ff. DOI logo
Perrez, Julien & Min Reuchamps
2015. Special issue on the political impact of metaphors. Metaphor and the Social World 5:2  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Littlemore, Jeannette, Tina Krennmayr, James Turner & Sarah Turner
2014. An Investigation into Metaphor Use at Different Levels of Second Language Writing. Applied Linguistics 35:2  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Ng, Carl Jon Way
2014. SEMIOTICIZING CAPITALISM IN CORPORATE BRAND ENACTMENT. Critical Discourse Studies 11:2  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
NG, Carl Jon Way
2016. ‘Hottest brand, coolest pedagogy’: approaches to corporate branding in Singapore's higher education sector. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 26:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Ng, Carl Jon Way
2018. Skilling the nation, empowering the citizen. Journal of Language and Politics 17:1  pp. 118 ff. DOI logo
Ng, Carl Jon Way
2018. Constructing the ideal organization. In Persuasion in Public Discourse [Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 79],  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Ng, Carl Jon Way & Veronika Koller
2013. Deliberate Conventional Metaphor in Images: The Case of Corporate Branding Discourse. Metaphor and Symbol 28:3  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2012. The study of metaphor as part of critical discourse analysis. Critical Discourse Studies 9:3  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2015. Dehumanizing metaphors in UK immigrant debates in press and online media. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 3:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2016. Cross-cultural variation in deliberate metaphor interpretation. Metaphor and the Social World 6:2  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2017. Analiza scenariuszy metaforycznych w ramach lingwistyki kulturowej. In Lingwistyka kulturowa i międzykulturowa. Antologia, DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2017. Metaphor and Cultural Cognition. In Advances in Cultural Linguistics [Cultural Linguistics, ],  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2017. Irony and sarcasm in follow-ups of metaphorical slogans. In Irony in language use and communication [Figurative Thought and Language, 1],  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas
2020.  Metaphor production and metaphor interpretation. In Producing Figurative Expression [Figurative Thought and Language, 10],  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Musolff, Andreas

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