Employing cognitive metonymy theory in the analysis of semantic relations between source and target text in
This article offers a model of translation which frames semantic relations between source- and target-text
elements in terms of metonymy, and translation in terms of metonymic processing. Translators/interpreters constantly use
approximations rather than exact one-to-one correspondences in their work, as meaning making is by nature partial and built-in
matches between language systems do not exist. Approximation is identified as a recurrent theme in Translation Studies, while
Metonymy Studies is seen as providing a toolkit for describing in detail the approximate semantic relations between source- and
target-text elements. Models from Metonymy Studies are applied to two translation case studies and a translation revision case
study. An original typology of metonymic relations is proposed based on whether or not source and target are encoded
linguistically as vehicle and topic respectively. It is concluded that the semantic relations between source- and target-text
elements in translation are distinctive in two respects: (1) they are characterized by facetization and zone activation rather
than metonymization; (2) they are examples of Topic metonymy (both source and target concepts are encoded) and Code-switching
metonymy (the source and target concepts are encoded in different languages).
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Approximate correspondences between source text and target text in the Translation Studies literature
- 2.1Translation shift
- 2.2Equivalence
- 2.3Expansion and reduction
- 2.4Indeterminacy
- 2.5Summary
- 3.The partial nature of meaning making
- 3.1Within a language
- 3.2Between languages
- 4.Cognitive metonymy theory
- 4.1A typology of metonymic relations
- 4.2Employing cognitive metonymy theory to investigate translation
- 5.Two case studies
- 5.1First case study
- 5.2Second case study
- 6.Metonymy in translation revision and editing
- 7.Closing remarks
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