Article published In:
Narrative Inquiry
Vol. 12:1 (2002) ► pp.87111
Cited by (88)

Cited by 88 other publications

Milasan, Lucian Hadrian
2024. ‘Taking Pictures is Like Treasure Hunting’: Exploring the Therapeutic Value of Photography as a Qualitative Research Method. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 23 DOI logo
Spyreli, Eleni, Elena Vaughan, Michelle C. McKinley, Jayne V. Woodside, Marita Hennessy & Colette Kelly
2024. Using Online Photovoice to Explore Food Decisions of Families on Low Income: Lessons Learnt During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Qualitative Health Research 34:3  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Tang, Xueting, Junqiao Wang, Bei Wu, Ann-Margaret Navarra, Xiaoyan Cui, Erin Sharp, Sahitya Maiya, Semra Aytur & Jing Wang
2024. Navigating Both Roles: A Photovoice Exploration of the Young Adult Balancing Daughterhood and Caregiving for a Mother With Young-Onset Dementia. Qualitative Health Research DOI logo
Bautista García-Vera, Antonio
2023. Structures of the Photo-Elicitation Process and Emergence of Contradictions in Training Teachers. In Photographic Elicitation and Narration in Teachers Education and Development [Teacher Education, Learning Innovation and Accountability, ],  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Li, Jing & Cheryl J. Craig
2023. A beginning teacher’s living of counter stories in a high-needs school in rural China. Research Papers in Education 38:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Weiss, Charlotte R., Rachel Johnson-Koenke, Sean M. Reed, Danny G. Willis & Karen H. Sousa
2023. Themes of Liminality. Advances in Nursing Science DOI logo
Bhattacharjee, Partha & Priyanka Tripathi
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Herrick, Imogen R., Michael A. Lawson & Ananya M. Matewos
2022. Through the eyes of a child:exploring and engaging elementary students’ climate conceptions through photovoice. Educational and Developmental Psychologist 39:1  pp. 100 ff. DOI logo
Starkey, Sandra
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Kislinger, Leopold & Kurt Kotrschal
2021. Hunters and Gatherers of Pictures: Why Photography Has Become a Human Universal. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
García-Vera, Antonio Bautista, Laura Rayón Rumayor & Ana María De la Heras Cuenca
2020. Use of Photo-elicitation to evoke and solve Dilemmas that prompt changes Primary School Teachers’ Visions. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research 9:1  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Mayers, Rebecca
2020. See the light: ‘Biking-with’ as an a/r/tographic method of public pedagogy. Journal of Arts & Communities 12:1  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Pitt, Penelope
2020. Family Photographs in Displacement. In The Handbook of Displacement,  pp. 599 ff. DOI logo
Pless, Mette & Noemi Katznelson
2020. How to Capture Motivation in Pictures? Visual Methods in Research on Young People’s School Life and Motivation. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 19  pp. 160940692092754 ff. DOI logo
Tanhan, Ahmet & Robert W. Strack
2020. Online photovoice to explore and advocate for Muslim biopsychosocial spiritual wellbeing and issues: Ecological systems theory and ally development. Current Psychology 39:6  pp. 2010 ff. DOI logo
Brown, Louis D., Joseph C. Berryhill & Eric C. Jones
2019. Integrating Journalism Into Health Promotion: Creating and Disseminating Community Narratives. Health Promotion Practice 20:4  pp. 513 ff. DOI logo
Grushka, Kathryn, Miranda Lawry & Katishe Grudnoff
2019. Materialising Memories as Visual Narrative: Voices from Autoimmune and Dementia Settings. In Innovations in Narrative and Metaphor,  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
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McLaughlin, Janice & Edmund Coleman-Fountain
2019. Visual methods and voice in disabled childhoods research: troubling narrative authenticity. Qualitative Research 19:4  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
Wong, May
2019. Digital Photography and Identity of Hong Kong Females: A Case Study of Facebook Images. In Multimodal Communication,  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
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2018. 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE),  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2018. Understanding Parkinson’s through visual narratives: “I’m not Mrs. Parkinson’s”. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 81:2  pp. 90 ff. DOI logo
Mkanta, William N, Rosemary W Eustace, Michelle C Reece, Abeer D Alamri, Trevor Davis, Emmanuel U Ezekekwu & Aishwarya Potluri
2018. From images to voices: A photo analysis of medical and social support needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Journal of Global Health Reports 2 DOI logo
Soares, Julia S. & Benjamin C. Storm
2018. Forget in a flash: A further investigation of the photo-taking-impairment effect.. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 7:1  pp. 154 ff. DOI logo
Zolnikov, Tara Rava
2018. Introduction to Environmental Health and Qualitative Research. In Autoethnographies on the Environment and Human Health,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2017. The online ideal persona vs. the jealousy effect: Two explanations of why selfies are associated with lower-quality romantic relationships. Telematics and Informatics 34:1  pp. 114 ff. DOI logo
2017. If You See What I Mean? Visual Narratives – Stories Told Through, With And By Visual Images. In Narrative Research in Practice,  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Orzech, Kathryn M., Wendy Moncur, Abigail Durrant, Stuart James & John Collomosse
2017. Digital photographic practices as expressions of personhood and identity: variations across school leavers and recent retirees. Visual Studies 32:4  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
Tamboukou, Maria
2017. Visual Technologies and ‘other archives’. In Women Workers' Education, Life Narratives and Politics [Palgrave Studies in Gender and Education, ],  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Wilson, Jane E., Michael J. Smith, Tammy L. Lambert, David L. George & Christina Bulkley
2017. A novel use of photovoice methodology in a leadership APPE and pharmacy leadership elective. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 9:6  pp. 1042 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Rui & Yiqing Hu
2017. Digital Photography and Memory Practice in Contemporary Chinese Families. In New Media and Chinese Society [Communication, Culture and Change in Asia, 5],  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Broekhuizen, Francien & Adrienne Evans
2016. Pain, pleasure and bridal beauty: mapping postfeminist bridal perfection. Journal of Gender Studies 25:3  pp. 335 ff. DOI logo
Evans, David, Jacinta Robertson & Allen Candy
2016. Use of photovoice with people with younger onset dementia. Dementia 15:4  pp. 798 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Ruth M.
2016. New Voices and Narrative Participatory Photography. In Handbook of Research on the Facilitation of Civic Engagement through Community Art [Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts, ],  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
Balmer, Claire, Frances Griffiths & Janet Dunn
2015. A ‘new normal’: Exploring the disruption of a poor prognostic cancer diagnosis using interviews and participant-produced photographs. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 19:5  pp. 451 ff. DOI logo
Bennett, Jeffrey & Jenny Huberman
2015. From monuments to megapixels: Death, memory, and symbolic immortality in the contemporary United States. Anthropological Theory 15:3  pp. 338 ff. DOI logo
Grushka, Kathryn Meyer, Aaron Bellette & Allyson Holbrook
2015. Researching Photographic Participatory Inquiry in an E-Learning Environment. McGill Journal of Education 49:3  pp. 621 ff. DOI logo
Netolicky, Deborah
2015. Using literary metaphor and characters as structural and symbolic tools. Narrative Inquiry 25:2  pp. 264 ff. DOI logo
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2015. Sacred and Treasured Luxury: The Meaning and Value of Luxury Possessions amongst Second-generation Asian Indian Immigrants. Luxury 2:2  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Timm-Bottos, Janis & Rosemary C. Reilly
2015. Learning in Third Spaces: Community Art Studio as Storefront University Classroom. American Journal of Community Psychology 55:1-2  pp. 102 ff. DOI logo
Woodgate, Roberta L. & Olga Skarlato
2015. “It is about being outside”: Canadian youth’s perspectives of good health and the environment. Health & Place 31  pp. 100 ff. DOI logo
Drew, Sarah & Marilys Guillemin
2014. From photographs to findings: visual meaning-making and interpretive engagement in the analysis of participant-generated images. Visual Studies 29:1  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Henkel, Linda A.
2014. Point-and-Shoot Memories. Psychological Science 25:2  pp. 396 ff. DOI logo
Hoecker, Robin
2014. Visual narrative and trauma recovery. Narrative Inquiry 24:2  pp. 259 ff. DOI logo
Motimele, M.R. & E.L. Ramugondo
2014. Violence and Healing: Exploring the Power of Collective Occupations. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 3  pp. 388 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Breasted experiences in pregnancy: an examination through photographs. Visual Studies 29:1  pp. 40 ff. DOI logo
Nash, Meredith
2015. Shapes of motherhood: exploring postnatal body image through photographs. Journal of Gender Studies 24:1  pp. 18 ff. DOI logo
Silvestri, Lisa
2014. Shiny Happy People Holding Guns: 21st-Century Images of War. Visual Communication Quarterly 21:2  pp. 106 ff. DOI logo
Clarke, Rachel, Peter Wright, Madeline Balaam & John McCarthy
2013. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,  pp. 2517 ff. DOI logo
Jordan, Shawn & Micah Lande
2013. 2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE),  pp. 815 ff. DOI logo
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2013. A dialogue and reflection on photohistory: Engaging indigenous communities in research through visual analysis. Action Research 11:1  pp. 92 ff. DOI logo
2013. Evidence for the Utility of a Photovoice Task as an Empathic Skill Acquisition Strategy Among Counselors‐in‐Training. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling 52:1  pp. 39 ff. DOI logo
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Wiebe, Natasha
2013. Mennonite memories of Pelee Island, Ontario, 1925–1950. Narrative Inquiry 23:2  pp. 405 ff. DOI logo
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Barromi Perlman, Edna
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Harris, Anna & Marilys Guillemin
2012. Developing Sensory Awareness in Qualitative Interviewing. Qualitative Health Research 22:5  pp. 689 ff. DOI logo
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2012. When Symbols Clash: Legitimacy, Legality and the 2010 Winter Olympics. Mass Communication and Society 15:4  pp. 578 ff. DOI logo
Zevenbergen, Andrea A., Ewa Haman & Aleksandra A. Olszańska
2012. Middle-Class Polish and American Mothers’ Beliefs Regarding Parent-Child Narratives. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43:6  pp. 979 ff. DOI logo
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Nykiforuk, Candace I.J., Helen Vallianatos & Laura M. Nieuwendyk
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2009. Exploring Resources for Physical Activity in Hispanic Women, Using Photo Elicitation. Qualitative Health Research 19:5  pp. 677 ff. DOI logo
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2009. Researcher with a movie camera: visual ethnography in the field. Current Issues in Tourism 12:3  pp. 255 ff. DOI logo
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