Neely, Jeffrey C.
to Social Mobility: Negotiating the Southern Self and Social Identity in Rick Bragg’s Memoirs
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 39:1
► pp. 311 ff.

Banda Chitsamatanga, Bellita
Do we have the right to call ourselves an inclusive university? Untold stories of queer students at a rural university in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Barker, Shannon & Jessica Taggart
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings,

McAuley, James W.
The Active Use of Narratives in Collective Memory. In
Collective Memory and Political Identity in Northern Ireland [
Memory Politics and Transitional Justice, ],
► pp. 77 ff.

Anderson, Vivienne, Tiffany Cone, Rachel Rafferty & Naoko Inoue
Mobile agency and relational webs in women’s narratives of international study.
Higher Education 83:4
► pp. 911 ff.

Rogers, Christine
Ko Aoraki te Mauka: performing my hybrid identity.
Media Practice and Education 23:3
► pp. 203 ff.

Wozolek, Boni & Samantha Antell
Curricula of oppressions: queering elementary school norms and values.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 35:9
► pp. 980 ff.

Molina Diaz, Maria & Auxiliadora Sales
‘Som escola’. The construction of an inclusive intercultural community in a school undergoing transformation.
Intercultural Education 32:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Poblete, Carlos, Felipe Rifo & Joana Huaman
The Role of Circular Business Modeling in the Entrepreneurial Identity-Construction Process.
Sustainability 13:23
► pp. 13337 ff.

Scheidt, Matthew, Allison Godwin, Edward Berger, John Chen, Brian P. Self, James M. Widmann & Ann Q. Gates
Engineering students' noncognitive and affective factors: Group differences from cluster analysis.
Journal of Engineering Education 110:2
► pp. 343 ff.

Striolo, Cicely, Michaela Pollock & Allison Godwin
Staying or leaving: contributing factors for U.K. engineering students’ decisions to pursue careers in engineering industry.
European Journal of Engineering Education 46:3
► pp. 364 ff.

Ekberg, Lena & Jan-Ola Östman
Identity construction and dialect acquisition among immigrants in rural areas – the case of Swedish-language Finland.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Hendrix, Katherine Grace
The Lone Ranger, Tonto, and Katherine: What Is the Script for a Senior Faculty Member?.
Qualitative Inquiry 26:3-4
► pp. 379 ff.

Hussein, Fatmaelzahraa, John Stephens & Reena Tiwari
Grounded Theory as an Approach for Exploring the Effect of Cultural Memory on Psychosocial Well-Being in Historic Urban Landscapes.
Social Sciences 9:12
► pp. 219 ff.

Kaya, Jean
Inside the International Student World.
Journal of International Students 10:1
► pp. 124 ff.

Verma, Arun
Intersectionality, positioning and narrative: exploring the utility of audio diaries in healthcare students’ workplace learning.
International Social Science Journal 70:237-238
► pp. 205 ff.

Camilleri, Stephen, Deborah Chetcuti & Ruth Falzon
“They Labeled Me Ignorant”: Narratives of Maltese Youth With Dyslexia on National Examinations.
Sage Open 9:2

Wang, Hsiao-Tan
Justice, Emotion, and Belonging: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family Conflict.
Law & Society Review 53:3
► pp. 764 ff.

Hunter, Keeley Megan Buehler
Shopaholic stories: Tales of therapeutic addiction, governance, and political economy.
Journal of Consumer Culture 18:4
► pp. 497 ff.

Jang, Jinkyu, Jinwook Kim, Hyeonsik Shin, Hajung Aum & Jinwoo Kim
The New Snapshot Narrators: Changing Your Visions and Perspectives!.
Interacting with Computers 30:4
► pp. 293 ff.

Lorick-Wilmot, Yndia S.
Blackness as Experience. In
Stories of Identity among Black, Middle Class, Second Generation Caribbeans,
► pp. 65 ff.

Scheidt, Matthew, Allison Godwin, Ryan Senkpeil, Julianna Ge, John Chen, Brian Self, James Widmann & Edward Berger
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings,

Stelter, Reinhard & Vinnie Andersen
Coaching for health and lifestyle change: Theory and guidelines for interacting and reflecting with women about their challenges and aspirations.
International Coaching Psychology Review 13:1
► pp. 61 ff.

van der Hoeven, Arno
Narratives of popular music heritage and cultural identity: The affordances and constraints of popular music memories.
European Journal of Cultural Studies 21:2
► pp. 207 ff.

Cassidy, Anne
The farm as an educative tool in the development of place attachments among Irish farm youth.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 38:3
► pp. 389 ff.

Miller, Paul Chamness
Challenging the Myth of Homogeneity in Japan in First-Year Writing. In
Diversity in Japanese Education,
► pp. 83 ff.

Richards, Rosemary D.
Young Children’s Drawings and Storytelling: Multimodal Transformations That Help to Mediate Complex Sociocultural Worlds. In
Multimodal Perspectives of Language, Literacy, and Learning in Early Childhood,
► pp. 127 ff.

Watzlawik, Meike & Ignacio Brescó de Luna
The Self in Movement: Being Identified and Identifying Oneself in the Process of Migration and Asylum Seeking.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 51:2
► pp. 244 ff.

Duyvendak, Jan Willem, Leeke Reinders & Fenneke Wekker
Homing the Dutch.
Home Cultures 13:2
► pp. 87 ff.

Forsberg, Camilla & Robert Thornberg
The social ordering of belonging: Children’s perspectives on bullying.
International Journal of Educational Research 78
► pp. 13 ff.

Gal, Noam, Limor Shifman & Zohar Kampf
“It Gets Better”: Internet memes and the construction of collective identity.
New Media & Society 18:8
► pp. 1698 ff.

Hammond, Nathan L., Allison W. Pearson & Daniel T. Holt
The Quagmire of Legacy in Family Firms: Definition and Implications of Family and Family Firm Legacy Orientations.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 40:6
► pp. 1209 ff.

Päivinen, Helena, Juha Holma, Anu Karvonen, Virpi-Liisa Kykyri, Valeri Tsatsishvili, Jukka Kaartinen, Markku Penttonen & Jaakko Seikkula
Affective Arousal During Blaming in Couple Therapy: Combining Analyses of Verbal Discourse and Physiological Responses in Two Case Studies.
Contemporary Family Therapy 38:4
► pp. 373 ff.

Young-Hauser, Amanda M., Darrin Hodgetts & Catharine Coleborne
Caring for a Man Who Sexually Abused Children.
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 56:1
► pp. 34 ff.

Blix, Bodil Hansen
“Something Decent to Wear”.
Qualitative Inquiry 21:2
► pp. 175 ff.

King, James R. & Norman A. Stahl
Rönnlund, Maria
Schoolyard stories: Processes of gender identity in a ‘children’s place’.
Childhood 22:1
► pp. 85 ff.

Rühlemann, Christoph & Stefan Gries
Turn order and turn distribution in multi-party storytelling.
Journal of Pragmatics 87
► pp. 171 ff.

Wernesjö, Ulrika
Landing in a rural village: home and belonging from the perspectives of unaccompanied young refugees.
Identities 22:4
► pp. 451 ff.

Åkerlund, Ulrika & Linda Sandberg
Stories of lifestyle mobility: representing self and place in the search for the ‘good life’.
Social & Cultural Geography 16:3
► pp. 351 ff.

Chiu, Ya-Ping, Tzu-Ying Lee, Kuang-Lin Lin & Virginia L. Laadt
Adjusting to a seizure-free “new normal” life following discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs during adolescence.
Epilepsy & Behavior 33
► pp. 54 ff.

Eteläpelto, Anneli, Katja Vähäsantanen, Päivi Hökkä & Susanna Paloniemi
Identity and Agency in Professional Learning. In
International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 645 ff.

Evans, William
‘I am not a dyslexic person I'm a person with dyslexia’: identity constructions of dyslexia among students in nurse education.
Journal of Advanced Nursing 70:2
► pp. 360 ff.

Lazarsfeld-Jensen, Ann
Telling stories out of school: Experiencing the paramedic's oral traditions and role dissonance.
Nurse Education in Practice 14:6
► pp. 734 ff.

Zulfikar, Teuku
Researching my own backyard: inquiries into an ethnographic study.
Ethnography and Education 9:3
► pp. 373 ff.

Bücker, Jörg
Position offerings in German radio phone-in talk shows.
Journal of Pragmatics 45:1
► pp. 29 ff.

Foroutan, Naika
The ‘New Germany’ and Its Transformation Process: Narrating Collective Identity in Times of Transnational Mobility. In
Rethinking the Public Sphere Through Transnationalizing Processes,
► pp. 233 ff.

Gretzel, Ulrike & Gillian Bowser
Real Stories About Real Women: Communicating Role Models for Female Tourism Students.
Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism 13:2
► pp. 170 ff.

Gómez-Estern, Beatriz Macías & Manuel L de la Mata Benítez
Narratives of migration: Emotions and the interweaving of personal and cultural identity through narrative.
Culture & Psychology 19:3
► pp. 348 ff.

Hibbert, Julia F., Janet E. Dickinson & Susanna Curtin
Understanding the influence of interpersonal relationships on identity and tourism travel.
Anatolia 24:1
► pp. 30 ff.

Hibbert, Julia F., Janet E. Dickinson, Stefan Gössling & Susanna Curtin
Identity and tourism mobility: an exploration of the attitude–behaviour gap.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21:7
► pp. 999 ff.

Pattie, Yuk Yee & Luk-Fong
Methodology. In
Teachers' Identities and Life Choices,
► pp. 25 ff.

Bryson, Krista
The Literacy Myth in the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives.
Computers and Composition 29:3
► pp. 254 ff.

Naidu, Thirusha & Yvonne Sliep
Understanding the agency of home-based care volunteers: establishing identity and negotiating space in AIDS-home-based care in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
African Journal of AIDS Research 11:2
► pp. 143 ff.

Pruit, John C.
Peak Oil and the Narrative Construction of Unmarked Identities.
Symbolic Interaction 35:4
► pp. 438 ff.

Stelter, Reinhard
Narrative Approaches. In
The Wiley‐Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring,
► pp. 407 ff.

Stelter, Reinhard
The Origins and Development of Coaching. In
A Guide to Third Generation Coaching,
► pp. 13 ff.

Graham, Meadow, Sarah Selmer & Erin Goodykoontz
Individual Doctoral Education Experiences and Academic Stewardship. In
Higher Education and Human Capital,
► pp. 159 ff.

Singh, Lorraine
Stories Gogo Never Told. In
Acting on HIV,
► pp. 43 ff.

Stelter, Reinhard, Glen Nielsen & Johan Michael Wikman
Narrative-collaborative group coaching develops social capital – a randomised control trial and further implications of the social impact of the intervention.
Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 4:2
► pp. 123 ff.

Yuen, Celeste Y.M. & Rosalind Wu
New Schooling and New Identities: Chinese Immigrant Students' Perspectives.
Global Studies of Childhood 1:2
► pp. 140 ff.

Endo, Hidehiro, Paul Chamness Reece-Miller & Nicholas Santavicca
Surviving in the trenches: A narrative inquiry into queer teachers’ experiences and identity.
Teaching and Teacher Education 26:4
► pp. 1023 ff.

Lucius-Hoene, Gabriele
Narrative Identitätsarbeit im Interview. In
Subjekt – Identität – Person?,
► pp. 149 ff.

Rodríguez-Sedano, Alfredo, Aurora Bernal Martínez de Soria & Miguel Rumayor
Discovering Oneself and Discovering Ourselves with the Help of Literature: Educational Possibilities of Narrative.
Creative Education 01:02
► pp. 101 ff.

van Schalkwyk, Gertina J.
The Crown Prince and the Frog-Prince: Characterisations in the Identity Construction of Firstborn Males.
South African Journal of Psychology 40:3
► pp. 282 ff.

Atkinson, Paul
Illness Narratives Revisited: The Failure of Narrative Reductionism.
Sociological Research Online 14:5
► pp. 196 ff.

Parkinson, John
Representation 45:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Booth, Paul
Rereading Fandom: MySpace Character Personas and Narrative Identification.
Critical Studies in Media Communication 25:5
► pp. 514 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 21 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.