Abarca Millán, Erika, Constanza Alvarado Vargas, Patricio Cabello & Silvana Arriagada
Searching for a middle ground: Teachers’ identities and perceptions on the teaching and learning of writing.
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Narrative Analysis: Demonstrating the Iterative Process for New Researchers.
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The Un(daunting) Grounded Theory and Narrative Research.
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A tale of two English teachers: Examining narrative in multilingual writing and teaching.
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O gênero entrevista sociolinguística e suas dimensões cronotópicas.
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The Sociolinguistic Interview Genre and Its Chronotopic Dimensions.
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Tracey’s small stories in the figured world of regular track high school.
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Thareja, Suma K, Xin Yang, Paramita Basak Upama, Aziz Abdullah, Shary Pérez Torres, Linda Jackson Cocroft, Michael Bubolz, Kari McGaughey, Xuelin Lou, Sailaja Kamaraju, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Praveen Madiraju, Anne E Kwitek, Jeffrey Whittle & Zeno Franco
Equitable community-based participatory research engagement with communities of color drives All of Us Wisconsin genomic research priorities.
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Linguistic racism and micro-aggressions in everyday encounters of African migrants in China: A challenge to the nation’s strategic vision for Africa?.
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Climber, mediator, and marathoner: narrative inquiry of career motivation changes of pre-service CSL teachers throughout teaching practicum.
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What can we learn from the science identity narratives of first-generation college students?.
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Poppi, Fabio I. M. & Pietro Castelli Gattinara
Aliud pro alio.
Journal of Language and Politics 17:4
► pp. 552 ff.
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo, Giovanni A. Travaglino & Salvatore Di Piazza
Talis pater, talis filius: the role of discursive strategies, thematic narratives and ideology in Cosa Nostra.
Critical Discourse Studies 15:5
► pp. 540 ff.
Roederer, Claire & Marc Filser
Revisiting the museum experience.
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 21:4
► pp. 567 ff.
Sabaté i Dalmau, Maria
Exploring the interplay of narrative and ethnography: A critical sociolinguistic approach to migrant stories of dis/emplacement.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2018:250
► pp. 35 ff.
Taylor, Laura A., Saba Khan Vlach & Melissa Mosley Wetzel
Observing, resisting, and problem-posing language and power: Possibilities for small stories in inservice teacher education.
Linguistics and Education 46
► pp. 23 ff.
Väätämöinen, Maija & María Eugenia Merino
Food as a Cultural Practice among the Mapuche in Santiago de Chile.
Folklore 129:3
► pp. 278 ff.
Ai, Bin & Lifei Wang
Homeland Integration.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 16:1
Barik, Titus
2017 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC),
► pp. 145 ff.
Berendonk, Charlotte, Bodil Hansen Blix, William L. Randall, Clive Baldwin & Vera Caine
Care as narrative practice in the context of long‐term care: Theoretical considerations.
International Journal of Older People Nursing 12:4
Bradby, Hannah
Taking story seriously.
Social Theory & Health 15:2
► pp. 206 ff.
Bradby, Hannah
Subjectivity, Experience and Evidence: Death Like Milk on the Doorstep. In
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Global Perspectives on Health Geography, ],
► pp. 101 ff.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Negotiating learning in early childhood: Narratives from migrant homes.
Linguistics and Education 39
► pp. 26 ff.
Chatterjee, Abha & Dorien Van De Mieroop
Clandinin, D Jean, Marie T Cave & Charlotte Berendonk
Narrative inquiry: a relational research methodology for medical education.
Medical Education 51:1
► pp. 89 ff.
Clifton, Jonathan & Dorien Van De Mieroop
Narrative construction of resilience: stories of older Czech adults.
Ageing and Society 37:9
► pp. 1849 ff.
Edwards, Delyth
The Space Between. In
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Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies, ],
► pp. 137 ff.
Enciso, Patricia E.
Stories Lost and Found.
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 66:1
► pp. 29 ff.
Hayab John, Philip & Marianna W. Visser
Linguistic construct of songs of the Ham of Nigeria: A genre analysis.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 35:3
► pp. 259 ff.
Ingraham, Chris
The Scope and Autonomy of Personal Narrative.
Written Communication 34:1
► pp. 54 ff.
Nelson, Leslie Rose & Haley Kranstuber Horstman
Communicated Meaning-Making in Foster Families: Relationships Between Foster Parents’ Entrance Narratives and Foster Child Well-Being.
Communication Quarterly 65:2
► pp. 144 ff.
Shan, Hongxia & Shauna Butterwick
Transformative learning of mentors from an immigrant workplace connections program.
Studies in Continuing Education 39:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Spector-Mersel, Gabriela
Life Story Reflection in Social Work Education: A Practical Model.
Journal of Social Work Education 53:2
► pp. 286 ff.
Stage, Carsten
Introduction. In
Networked Cancer,
► pp. 1 ff.
Verloo, Nanke
Learning from informality? Rethinking the mismatch between formal policy strategies and informal tactics of citizenship.
Current Sociology 65:2
► pp. 167 ff.
Verloo, Nanke
Social-spatial narrative: A framework to analyze the democratic opportunity of conflict.
Political Geography 62
► pp. 137 ff.
Barkhuizen, Gary
Narrative Approaches to Exploring Language, Identity and Power in Language Teacher Education.
RELC Journal 47:1
► pp. 25 ff.
Choi, Eunjeong, Rachel E. Gaines, Jeong-bin H. Park, Kyle M. Williams, Diane L. Schallert, Li-Tang Yu & Jeonghyun Lee
Small stories in online classroom discussion as resources for preservice teachers’ making sense of becoming a bilingual educator.
Teaching and Teacher Education 58
► pp. 1 ff.
Griffin, Meridith & Cassandra Phoenix
Becoming a runner: big, middle and small stories about physical activity participation in later life.
Sport, Education and Society 21:1
► pp. 11 ff.
Hamann, Julian
“Let us salute one of our kind.” How academic obituaries consecrate research biographies.
Poetics 56
► pp. 1 ff.
Lisi, Bethany
Subjectivities in the Sandbox: Discovering Biases Through Visual Memo Writing.
To Improve the Academy 35:2
► pp. 326 ff.
Ronkainen, Noora J., Anna Kavoura & Tatiana V. Ryba
Narrative and discursive perspectives on athletic identity: Past, present, and future.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 27
► pp. 128 ff.
Sindakis, Stavros & Fotis Kitsios
Entrepreneurial Dynamics and Patient Involvement in Service Innovation: Developing a Model to Promote Growth and Sustainability in Mental Health Care.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy 7:2
► pp. 545 ff.
Strahan, Tania & Lesley Stirling
Thomas, Ebony Elizabeth & Amy Stornaiuolo
Restorying the Self: Bending Toward Textual Justice.
Harvard Educational Review 86:3
► pp. 313 ff.
Thomas-Brown, Karen & Annalie L. Campos
A Qualitative Analysis of the Lived Experiences of a Small Group of Filipino Immigrants.
Qualitative Sociology Review 12:1
► pp. 114 ff.
Vassilieva, Julia
Narrative Subject: Between Continuity and Transformation. In
Narrative Psychology,
► pp. 87 ff.
Ai, Bin
Living in-between: A Narrative Inquiry into the Identity Work of a Chinese Student in Australia.
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► pp. 353 ff.
BASTOS, Liliana Cabral & Liana de Andrade BIAR
Análise de narrativa e práticas de entendimento da vida social.
DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 31:spe
► pp. 97 ff.
Bratu, Roxana
Children of Romanian Migrants between “Here” and “There”: Stories of Home Attachment.
Social Change Review 13:1
► pp. 3 ff.
Daiute, Colette, Ralitsa S. Todorova & Tünde Kovács-Cerović
Narrating participation and power relations in a social inclusion program.
Language & Communication 45
► pp. 46 ff.
Davies, Andrea & James Fitchett
In the Family Way: Bringing a Mother-Daughter (Matrilineal) Perspective to Retail Innovation and Consumer Culture.
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 47:3
► pp. 727 ff.
Freer, Patrick K.
Perspectives of European boys about their voice change and school choral singing: developing the possible selves of adolescent male singers.
British Journal of Music Education 32:1
► pp. 87 ff.
Gabriel, Yiannis
Narratives and Stories in Organizational Life. In
The Handbook of Narrative Analysis,
► pp. 273 ff.
Georgalou, Mariza
Small Stories of the Greek Crisis on Facebook.
Social Media + Society 1:2
Guendouzi, Jackie, Boyd H. Davis & Margaret Maclagan
Expanding Expectations for Narrative Styles in the Context of Dementia.
Topics in Language Disorders 35:3
► pp. 237 ff.
Humle, Didde Maria & Anne Reff Pedersen
Fragmented work stories: Developing an antenarrative approach by discontinuity, tensions and editing.
Management Learning 46:5
► pp. 582 ff.
Macías-Gómez-Estern, Beatriz
Narrative as a Sense-making Tool in the Construction of Migrants’ Identities. Apprehending Emotions.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 173
► pp. 168 ff.
Oostendorp, Marcelyn & Tamiryn Jones
Tensions, ambivalence, and contradiction: a small story analysis of discursive identity construction in the South African workplace.
Text & Talk 35:1
► pp. 25 ff.
Orr, Noreen & Cassandra Phoenix
Photographing physical activity: using visual methods to ‘grasp at’ the sensual experiences of the ageing body.
Qualitative Research 15:4
► pp. 454 ff.
Plamondon, Katrina M., Joan L. Bottorff & Donald C. Cole
Analyzing Data Generated Through Deliberative Dialogue.
Qualitative Health Research 25:11
► pp. 1529 ff.
Rühlemann, Christoph & Stefan Gries
Turn order and turn distribution in multi-party storytelling.
Journal of Pragmatics 87
► pp. 171 ff.
Sabaté-Dalmau, Maria
Migrant narratives of dis/emplacement: The alternative spatialization and ethnicization of the local urban floor.
Text & Talk 36:3
Shrivastava, Hemant
Harassment at the Workplace, Powerlessness and Identity: Experiences of Women Civil Servants in India.
Indian Journal of Gender Studies 22:3
► pp. 437 ff.
Sprain, Leah & Jessica M. F. Hughes
A new perspective on stories in public deliberation: analyzing small stories in discussions about immigration
Text & Talk 35:4
► pp. 531 ff.
Synnes, Oddgeir
Narratives of nostalgia in the face of death: The importance of lighter stories of the past in palliative care.
Journal of Aging Studies 34
► pp. 169 ff.
Bhatti, Mark
Garden Stories: Auto/biography, Gender and Gardening.
Sociological Research Online 19:3
► pp. 45 ff.
Eyles, John, Jana Fried & Emily Catherine Eyles
Redacted in Nebraska: the noises of conspiracy around nuclear power problems.
GeoJournal 79:3
► pp. 329 ff.
Harris, Bronwyn, John Eyles, Loveday Penn-Kekana, Liz Thomas & Jane Goudge
Adverse or acceptable: negotiating access to a post-apartheid health care contract.
Globalization and Health 10:1
► pp. 35 ff.
Lazarsfeld-Jensen, Ann
Telling stories out of school: Experiencing the paramedic's oral traditions and role dissonance.
Nurse Education in Practice 14:6
► pp. 734 ff.
Lopes, J. B., A. A. Silva, J. P. Cravino, C. A. Santos, A. Cunha, A. Pinto, A. Silva, C. Viegas, E. Saraiva & M. J. Branco
Constructing and Using Multimodal Narratives to Research in Science Education: Contributions Based on Practical Classroom.
Research in Science Education 44:3
► pp. 415 ff.
Nätti, Satu, Suvi Rahkolin & Saila Saraniemi
Crisis communication in key account relationships.
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 19:3
► pp. 234 ff.
Puroila, Anna-Maija & Eila Estola
Not Babies Anymore: Young Children’s Narrative Identities in Finnish Day Care Centers.
International Journal of Early Childhood 46:2
► pp. 187 ff.
Rodriguez, Stephanie Rollie
“We’ll only see parts of each other’s lives:” The role of mundane talk in maintaining nonresidential parent–child relationships.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 31:8
► pp. 1134 ff.
Sools, Anneke & Carmen Schuhmann
Theorizing the Narrative Dimension of Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Big and Small Story Approach.
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 44:3
► pp. 191 ff.
Wee, Lionel
Experiences as Resources: Metaphor and Life in Late Modernity. In
Approaches to Language, Culture, and Cognition,
► pp. 234 ff.
Wee, Lionel
Mobilizing Affect in the Linguistic Cyberlandscape: The R-Word Campaign. In
Conflict, Exclusion and Dissent in the Linguistic Landscape,
► pp. 185 ff.
Wee, Lionel
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2024:287
► pp. 123 ff.
Zulfikar, Teuku
Researching my own backyard: inquiries into an ethnographic study.
Ethnography and Education 9:3
► pp. 373 ff.
Blix, Bodil Hansen, Torunn Hamran & Hans Ketil Normann
Struggles of being and becoming: A dialogical narrative analysis of the life stories of Sami elderly.
Journal of Aging Studies 27:3
► pp. 264 ff.
Blix, Bodil Hansen, Torunn Hamran & Hans Ketil Normann
Roads not taken: A narrative positioning analysis of older adults' stories about missed opportunities.
Journal of Aging Studies 35
► pp. 169 ff.
Boswell, John
Why and how Narrative Matters in Deliberative Systems.
Political Studies 61:3
► pp. 620 ff.
Cayla, Julien, Bernard Cova & Lionel Maltese
Party time: recreation rituals in the world of B2B.
Journal of Marketing Management 29:11-12
► pp. 1394 ff.
Compton‐Lilly, Catherine
Temporality, Trajectory, and Early Literacy Learning. In
International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning, and Culture,
► pp. 83 ff.
Danjun Ying, Issa, Amanda McGraw & Amanda Berry
Chapter 31 Self and Community: The Impact of ISATT on the Professional Learning, Teaching, and Research of Members in the Asia-Pacific Region. In
From Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community [
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► pp. 669 ff.
Gómez-Estern, Beatriz Macías & Manuel L de la Mata Benítez
Narratives of migration: Emotions and the interweaving of personal and cultural identity through narrative.
Culture & Psychology 19:3
► pp. 348 ff.
Klausen, Rita K., Svein Haugsgjerd & Geir Fagerjord Lorem
“The Lady in the Coffin” – Delusions and Hearing Voices.
Qualitative Inquiry 19:6
► pp. 431 ff.
LaPointe, Kirsi
Heroic Career Changers? Gendered Identity Work in Career Transitions.
Gender, Work & Organization 20:2
► pp. 133 ff.
Sools, Anneke
Narrative health research: Exploring big and small stories as analytical tools.
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 17:1
► pp. 93 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Jonathan Clifton
Enacting Power Asymmetries in Reported Exchanges in the Narratives of Former Slaves.
Discourse Processes 50:1
► pp. 52 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Jonathan Clifton
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Jonathan Clifton
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Mathias Pagnaer
Co‐Constructing Colonial Dichotomies in Female Former Colonizers' Narratives of theBelgianCongo.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 23:2
Bryson, Krista
The Literacy Myth in the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives.
Computers and Composition 29:3
► pp. 254 ff.
Byrne, Anne & Deirdre O’Mahony
Family and Community.
Journal of Family Issues 33:1
► pp. 52 ff.
Cheng, Martha S.
Colin Powell's Speech to the UN: A Discourse Analytic Study of ReconstitutedEthos.
Rhetoric Society Quarterly 42:5
► pp. 424 ff.
Freeman, Mark
Storied persons: the double triad of narrative identity. In
The Psychology of Personhood,
► pp. 223 ff.
Freeman, Mark
Narrative as a Mode of Understanding. In
The Handbook of Narrative Analysis,
► pp. 19 ff.
Freeman, Mark
The Mystery of Identity: Fundamental Questions, Elusive Answers. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Identity,
► pp. 77 ff.
Lorenzetti, Roberta & Luisa Lugli
Sharing autobiographical memories: Effects of arousal and memory.
Studies in Communication Sciences 12:1
► pp. 53 ff.
Lytra, Vally
Discursive constructions of language and identity: parents' competing perspectives in London Turkish complementary schools.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 33:1
► pp. 85 ff.
Pomerantz, Anne & Erin Kearney
Beyond ‘write-talk-revise-(repeat)’: Using narrative to understand one multilingual student's interactions around writing.
Journal of Second Language Writing 21:3
► pp. 221 ff.
Pruit, John C.
Peak Oil and the Narrative Construction of Unmarked Identities.
Symbolic Interaction 35:4
► pp. 438 ff.
Warriner, Doris S.
When the Macro Facilitates the Micro: A Study of Regimentation and Emergence in Spoken Interaction.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 43:2
► pp. 173 ff.
Watson, Tony James & Diane Heather Watson
Narratives in society, organizations and individual identities: An ethnographic study of pubs, identity work and the pursuit of ‘the real’.
Human Relations 65:6
► pp. 683 ff.
Ballard, Robert L. & Sarah J. Ballard
From Narrative Inheritance to Narrative Momentum: Past, Present, and Future Stories in an International Adoptive Family.
Journal of Family Communication 11:2
► pp. 69 ff.
Bamberg, Michael, Anna De Fina & Deborah Schiffrin
Discourse and Identity Construction. In
Handbook of Identity Theory and Research,
► pp. 177 ff.
Carteret, Phoenix de
Peripheral Vision. In
Place Pedagogy Change,
► pp. 111 ff.
Deschambault, Ryan
From “analytic nuisance” to interactional resource: Re-viewing small stories within interviews in a mixed methods study.
Journal of Pragmatics 43:12
► pp. 3080 ff.
Goodbody, Louise & Jan Burns
A Disquisition on Pluralism in Qualitative Methods: The Troublesome Case of a Critical Narrative Analysis.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 8:2
► pp. 170 ff.
McCluskey, Kerryn, Cheryl Sim & Greer Johnson
Imagining a profession: a beginning teacher's story of isolation.
Teaching Education 22:1
► pp. 79 ff.
Researcher Identity, Narrative Inquiry, and Language Teaching Research.
TESOL Quarterly 45:3
► pp. 415 ff.
Nutbrown, Cathy
A box of childhood: small stories at the roots of a career.
International Journal of Early Years Education 19:3-4
► pp. 233 ff.
Olesen, Søren Peter & Leena Eskelinen
Short narratives as a qualitative approach to effects of social work interventions.
Nordic Social Work Research 1:1
► pp. 61 ff.
Orland-Barak, Lily & Ditza Maskit
Novices ‘in story’: what first-year teachers’ narratives reveal about the shady corners of teaching.
Teachers and Teaching 17:4
► pp. 435 ff.
Simpson, James
Telling tales: Discursive space and narratives in ESOL classrooms.
Linguistics and Education 22:1
► pp. 10 ff.
Woods, Angela
The limits of narrative: provocations for the medical humanities.
Medical Humanities 37:2
► pp. 73 ff.
Endo, Hidehiro, Paul Chamness Reece-Miller & Nicholas Santavicca
Surviving in the trenches: A narrative inquiry into queer teachers’ experiences and identity.
Teaching and Teacher Education 26:4
► pp. 1023 ff.
Gabriel, Yiannis & N.A.D. (Con) Connell
Co-creating stories: Collaborative experiments in storytelling.
Management Learning 41:5
► pp. 507 ff.
Lucius-Hoene, Gabriele
Narrative Identitätsarbeit im Interview. In
Subjekt – Identität – Person?,
► pp. 149 ff.
Sarah Robinson, Nwankwo, Sonny, Jaya Akunuri & Nnamdi O. Madichie
Supporting black businesses: narratives of support providers in London.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 16:6
► pp. 561 ff.
Van Vleet, Krista E.
Narrating Violence and Negotiating Belonging: The Politics of (Self‐)Representation in an Andean Tinkuy Story.
The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 15:1
► pp. 195 ff.
Brown, Andrew D., Yiannis Gabriel & Silvia Gherardi
Storytelling and Change: An Unfolding Story.
Organization 16:3
► pp. 323 ff.
Frost, Nollaig
`Do you know what I mean?': the use of a pluralistic narrative analysis approach in the interpretation of an interview.
Qualitative Research 9:1
► pp. 9 ff.
Lauver, Kristy J., Scott W. Lester & Paula J. Lentz
Perceptions of Acceptability and Enforcement.
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 15:4
► pp. 416 ff.
Moje, Elizabeth Birr & Allan Luke
Literacy and Identity: Examining the Metaphors in History and Contemporary Research.
Reading Research Quarterly 44:4
► pp. 415 ff.
Norrick, Neal R.
Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Small stories, interaction and identities. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2007. Pp. xi, 185. Hb EUR 99.00..
Language in Society 38:1
► pp. 104 ff.
Phoenix, Cassandra & Andrew C. Sparkes
Being Fred: big stories, small stories and the accomplishment of a positive ageing identity.
Qualitative Research 9:2
► pp. 219 ff.
Sims, David, Chris Huxham & Nic Beech
On Telling Stories But Hearing Snippets: Sense-taking from Presentations of Practice.
Organization 16:3
► pp. 371 ff.
Van de Mieroop, Dorien
A rehearsed self in repeated narratives? The case of two interviews with a former hooligan.
Discourse Studies 11:6
► pp. 721 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien
Identity negotiations in narrative accounts about poverty.
Discourse & Society 22:5
► pp. 565 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien
Social Identity Theory and the Discursive Analysis of Collective Identities in Narratives. In
The Handbook of Narrative Analysis,
► pp. 408 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Kris Bruyninckx
The influence of the interviewing style and the historical context on positioning shifts in the narrative of a Second World War Resistance member1.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 13:2
► pp. 169 ff.
Whittle, Andrea, Frank Mueller & Anita Mangan
Storytelling and `Character': Victims, Villains and Heroes in a Case of Technological Change.
Organization 16:3
► pp. 425 ff.
Bamberg, Michael
Twice-Told-Tales: Small Story Analysis and the Process of Identity Formation. In
Meaning in Action,
► pp. 183 ff.
Bamberg, Michael & Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis.
Text & Talk 28:3
Cova, Carù, Antonella & Bernard Cova
Small versus big stories in framing consumption experiences.
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 11:2
► pp. 166 ff.
De Fina, Anna & Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Analysing narratives as practices.
Qualitative Research 8:3
► pp. 379 ff.
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
‘On MSN with buff boys’: Self‐ and other‐identity claims in the context of small stories1.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 12:5
► pp. 597 ff.
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
Small Stories Research. In
The Handbook of Narrative Analysis,
► pp. 255 ff.
Ryan, Mary E.
Small stories, big issues: tracing complex subjectivities of high school students in interactional talk.
Critical Discourse Studies 5:3
► pp. 217 ff.
Smith, Brett & Andrew C. Sparkes
Contrasting perspectives on narrating selves and identities: an invitation to dialogue.
Qualitative Research 8:1
► pp. 5 ff.
[no author supplied]
Conclusion. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 172 ff.
[no author supplied]
Reverencing the Landscape. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 54 ff.
[no author supplied]
Affecting the Digital Landscape. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 150 ff.
[no author supplied]
Kawaiiin the Semiotic Landscape. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 34 ff.
[no author supplied]
Index. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 205 ff.
[no author supplied]
Theorizing Affect in the Semiotic Landscape. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 14 ff.
[no author supplied]
The Affective Regime of Luxury and Exclusivity. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 127 ff.
[no author supplied]
“Friendly Places”. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 102 ff.
[no author supplied]
Romancing the Landscape. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 79 ff.
[no author supplied]
Introduction. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 1 ff.
[no author supplied]
References. In
Language, Space and Cultural Play,
► pp. 187 ff.
[no author supplied]
The Origin and Development of the Concept of Identity. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Identity,
► pp. 23 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 25 october 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.