The Paintings of Karel du Jardin (1626–1678)

Catalogue raisonné

ISBN 9789027253385 (Eur) | EUR 340.00
ISBN 9781556192739 (USA) | USD 510.00
e-BookNot for resale
ISBN 9789027294449
The Paintings of Karel du Jardin (1626 Amsterdam–Venice 1678) is the first monograph devoted to this talented and versatile artist. It comprises six chapters outlining Du Jardin’s life, his reception, his patrons, portraits, history paintings and landscapes, followed by a conclusion, a list of documents, and a catalogue raisonné of his approximately 158 autographs paintings, as well as doubtful and rejected works.

Celebrated in his own lifetime by poets and playwrights, and known primarily for his luminous Italianate landscape paintings, he also produced a modest number of elegant and aristocratising portraits of Amsterdam’s patrician and merchant elites, along with stunning and recondite history paintings.

Never fully studied before, these works have been carefully researched, with much new or additional provenance, and are discussed in terms of their content and meaning; at times unusual and innovative. They are set within the context of artistic developments both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as Du Jardin’s own life, now fully reconstructed with a wealth of new archival material, and that of his circle of well-to-do, educated patrons and buyers, who turned out to share certain notions of civility and honnêteté.

[OCULI: Studies in the Arts of the Low Countries, 8] 2005.  498 pp., 229 bl/wh ills. + 32 full color ills.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 10 June 2005
Table of Contents
“This study is meant to provide a valuable tool for anyone interested in knowing more about the artist himself, his patrons and buyers, as well as his individual paintings, either extant or listed in early documents and sales records. To facilitate its use, a concordance with Hofstede de Groot and Smith numbers, as well as indexes of previous and past owners are included. All of the paintings are reproduced – including 32 color plates.”
“Deze monografie is een prettig leesbare aanwinst voor de cultuurgeschiedenis van de zeventiende eeuw.”
“In her book Kilian deals lucidly with the artist's life and work, his patrons and his critical fortune. She relates his achievements to those of his colleagues and thus provides a good idea of the artistic climate in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rome. Kilian's book is a beautifully produced and exemplary monograph and an important contribution to the literature on Dutch art.”
“This long anticipated study will fill a lacuna in our knowledge of the Dutch Italianate painters. For Du Jardin is clearly one of the most important masters of this auspicious group. Kilian’s monograph readily demonstrates this and will thus be considered the standard study on this artist for decades to come.”
“De catalogus is buitengewoon uitvoerig en nauwkeurig: herkomst; tentoonstellingen; literatuur; kopieën; gerelateerde tekeningen en prenten; wanneer de auteur het schilderij zelf heeft gezien, de conditie. Alle niet-gerelateerde schilderijen heeft Kilian van een datumindicatie voorzien, wat een diepgaande kennis en inzicht in het werk van de meester vereist. Voor de lezer/gebruiker van een monografie is het buitengewoon handzaam om over een globale datering van het gehele œuvre te kunnen beschikken. De teksten zijn meestal summier, maar adequaat. Het is niet mogelijk in een boekbespreking recht te doen aan de enorme schat aan materiaal die in deze catalogus is verwerkt. Met deze uitvoerige en uitstekende monografie heeft de veelzijdige schilder Karel du Jardin de aandacht gekregen die hij ten volle verdient.”
“Karel du Jardin is one of the most outstanding Dutch painters of landscape and figures, thus it is astonishing that to date no book on his life and work exists. Jennifer Kilian fills this lacuna in an exemplary fashion. She has assembled all the countless dispersed minutiae most professionally and forged them into a coherent, fascinating narrative. This will be the publication on a greatly underrated artist for many years to come.”

Main BIC Subject

AC: History of art / art & design styles

Main BISAC Subject

ART015000: ART / History / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2004046399 | Marc record