The Paintings of Karel du Jardin (1626–1678)
Catalogue raisonné
Celebrated in his own lifetime by poets and playwrights, and known primarily for his luminous Italianate landscape paintings, he also produced a modest number of elegant and aristocratising portraits of Amsterdam’s patrician and merchant elites, along with stunning and recondite history paintings.
Never fully studied before, these works have been carefully researched, with much new or additional provenance, and are discussed in terms of their content and meaning; at times unusual and innovative. They are set within the context of artistic developments both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as Du Jardin’s own life, now fully reconstructed with a wealth of new archival material, and that of his circle of well-to-do, educated patrons and buyers, who turned out to share certain notions of civility and honnêteté.
Published online on 10 June 2005
Table of Contents
List of Colour Plates | p. ix
List of Plates | pp. xi–xiii
List of Comparative Illustrations | p. xiv
Acknowledgements | p. xvi
Introduction | pp. 1–2
Chapter I. The Life of the Artist: From Amsterdam’s Ossemarkt to the ‘Nieuwe’ Keizersgracht | pp. 3–16
Chapter II. Critical Fortunes: ‘The neatness of his brush….’ | pp. 17–27
Chapter III. Patrons and Public: ‘Les bourgeois gentilhommes’ | pp. 28–39
Chapter IV. Portraits: ‘Merchants are commonly ambitious of becoming country gentlemen’ | pp. 40–57
Chapter V. History Paintings: Grand Ambitions | pp. 58–72
Chapter VI. Landscapes: ‘Very pleasant views to delight the eyes’ | pp. 73–92
Conclusion | pp. 93–95
Appendix A: Documents Related to Du Jardin and His Family | pp. 99–116
Appendix B: Concordance | pp. 117–120
Catalogue: Introduction | pp. 121–126
Catalogue A: Accepted Works | pp. 127–226
Catalogue B: Problem Attributions | pp. 227–235
Catalogue C: Rejected Attributions | pp. 236–243
Catalogue D: Paintings Known Only Through Descriptions | pp. 244–285
Catalogue E: Paintings Known Only Through Prints | pp. 286–287
Index of Names and Places | pp. 465–471
Index of Previous Owners | pp. 472–473
Index of Present Collections | pp. 474–478
Wayne Franits, Professor of Fine Arts, Syracuse University
Albert Blankert