The Pragmatics of Left Detachment in Spoken Standard French
Left detachment constructions (LDs) (e.g. un buffet de campagne, c’est un meuble) are examined in a corpus of informal spontaneous conversation between educated native speakers of French. The overwhelming majority of these constructions are shown to have a clearly pragmatic motivation. The author’s observations support a view of LD in French as a particular type of paratactic structure which should be seen primarily as a feature of unplanned discourse. The analysis partly builds on views expressed by Knud Lambrecht in an earlier contribution tot this series.
[Pragmatics & Beyond, VI:3] 1985. viii, 123 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 November 2011
Published online on 21 November 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments | p. vii
1. Introduction | p. 1
1.1. Purposes of the study
1.2. The language of the corpus
2. Review of the Literature | p. 5
2.1. Syntactic descriptions and the syntactic-pragmatic correlation hypothesis (SPCH)
2.2. Pragmatic descriptions
3. The Data-General Observations and Hypotheses | p. 13
3.1. Preliminary observations
3.2. Problems with the syntactic-pragmatic correlation hypothesis
3.3. Contrastiveness and topic shift
3.4. A new hypothesis — in search of LDs of minimal pragmatic motivation
3.5. Alternative syntactic analyses
3.6. The ‘domain’ of LD: sentence-topic and discourse-topic
4. Pronominal Detachments | p. 37
4.1. ‘Personal’ pronouns: first person: moi, nous
4.2. ‘Nonpersonal’ pronoun: ça
5. Lexical NP Detachments | p. 49
5.1. With nonpersonal anaphor
5.2. With personal anaphor: NP il/elle …
5.3. NP-LDs with nonsubject anaphors
5.4. The definiteness constraint
6. Special Cases | p. 95
6.1. ‘Topicalization’ and ‘Focus Movement’ in spoken French
6.2. No-anaphor LDs
6.3. Double LDs
7. Conclusion | p. 111
Notes | p. 115
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