News Interviews

A pragmalinguistic analysis

ISBN 9789027225542 (Eur) | EUR 75.00
ISBN 9781556190032 (USA) | USD 113.00
ISBN 9789027279309 | EUR 75.00 | USD 113.00
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Jucker endeavors to test pragmatic concepts (such as Grice’s principles of conversational inference) by applying them to concrete data. This application leads to suggestions for various modifications in the available pragmatic methodology. While pursuing this theoretical goal, he makes a significant contribution to descriptive pragmatics by offering a detailed picture of linguistically relevant aspects of news interviews, which show communicative behavior in ‘laboratory conditions’ where as many influencing factors as possible are kept stable while the influence of one specific factor at a time can be tested.
[Pragmatics & Beyond, VII:4] 1986.  ix, 195 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 November 2011
Table of Contents
Cited by (95)

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