Hoey, Elliott M. & Marco Pino
Procedural Detailing: A Patient’s Practice for Normalizing Routine Behaviors.
Health Communication 39:7
► pp. 1285 ff.

Iversen, Clara & Heidi Kevoe‐Feldman
The subjective and objective side of helplessness: Navigating between reassurance and risk management when people seek help for suicidal others.
British Journal of Social Psychology 
Li, Xiaowei May
Doing being an average teenager: Deploying ordinariness as subversive disability performance in presentational media.
Language in Society ► pp. 1 ff.

Xie, Yarong
Reporting racism in broadcast interview.
European Journal of Social Psychology 54:1
► pp. 170 ff.

Yu, Guodong & Lijun Xin
Acknowledging and legitimizing the embarrassment: Responding to embarrassment-telling.
Discourse Studies 26:6
► pp. 848 ff.

Chalfoun, Andrew
When God Calls: Temporality in Southern Baptist Calls to Missions.
Review of Religious Research 65:2
► pp. 213 ff.

Iversen, Clara
Self-disclosures in online crisis counselling: levelling asymmetries while maintaining client-focus.
Nordic Social Work Research ► pp. 1 ff.

Robinson, Jeffrey D. & John Heritage
Stokoe, Elizabeth & Emma Richardson
Asking for help without asking for help: How victims request and police offer assistance in cases of domestic violence when perpetrators are potentially co-present.
Discourse Studies 25:3
► pp. 383 ff.

Tennent, Emma & Fiona Grattan
The anatomy of a conspiracy theory in Covid-19 political commentary.
Language in Society 52:4
► pp. 691 ff.

Zhang, Tianhao
Contesting Reports of Racism, Contesting the Rights to Assess.
Social Psychology Quarterly 86:2
► pp. 130 ff.

Komuro, Masato & Kotaro Funakoshi
Attitude towards Dialogue Robot as Interactional Practice.
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 37:1
► pp. A-L61_1 ff.

Theobald, Maryanne, Gillian Busch, Ilana Mushin, Lyndal O’Gorman, Cathy Nielson, Janet Watts & Susan Danby
Making Culture Visible: Telling Small Stories in Busy Classrooms. In
Storytelling Practices in Home and Educational Contexts,
► pp. 123 ff.

Bardina, Svetlana
‘That’s what the dream says’: The use of normalizing devices in dream reports.
Discourse Studies ► pp. 146144562110016 ff.

Ferreira, Virginia Acuña
Staging mental discursive processes and reactions: The construction of direct reported thought (DRT) in conversational storytelling.
Language in Society 50:2
► pp. 235 ff.

Huma, Bogdana, Elizabeth Stokoe & Rein Ove Sikveland
Vocabularies of social influence: Managing the moral accountability of influencing another.
British Journal of Social Psychology 60:2
► pp. 319 ff.

Ironside, Rachael & Robin Wooffitt
Talk, Bodies and Tools in Interaction with Spirits. In
Making Sense of the Paranormal,
► pp. 53 ff.

Landmark, Anne Marie Dalby, Elin Nilsson, Anna Ekström & Jan Svennevig
Couples living with dementia managing conflicting knowledge claims.
Discourse Studies 23:2
► pp. 191 ff.

Rafaely, Daniella
‘Cropped out’: The collaborative production of an accusation of racism.
Discourse Studies 23:3
► pp. 324 ff.

Deppermann, Arnulf & Silke Reineke
Iversen, Clara & Ann-Carita Evaldsson
Respecifying uncertainty in pupil health team collaboration: The morality of interpreting pupils’ school problems.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 17:3
► pp. 430 ff.

Warren, Amber N. & Trena M. Paulus
Postgraduate students’ accomplishment of epistemic positioning through personal experience in online discussion forums.
Classroom Discourse 11:1
► pp. 22 ff.

Alexander, Marc, Daniel Blackburn & Markus Reuber
Patients’ accounts of memory lapses in interactions between neurologists and patients with functional memory disorders.
Sociology of Health & Illness 41:2
► pp. 249 ff.

Arano, Yusuke
Interculturality as an interactional achievement: Doubting others’ nationality and accounting for the doubt.
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 12:2
► pp. 167 ff.

Charalambidou, Anna
Repairs and old-age categorisations: interactional and categorisation analysis.
Linguistics Vanguard 5:s2

Horowitz, Ava D. & Laura Kilby
Thinking out loud: A discourse analysis of ‘thinking’ during talk radio interactions
Text & Talk 39:6
► pp. 699 ff.

Hsieh, Chen-Yu Chester & Lily I-Wen Su
Hsieh, Chen-Yu Chester & Lily I-Wen Su
Lamerichs, Joyce, Eva Alisic & Marca Schasfoort
‘Well I Had Nothing Weird Going On’: Children’s Displays of Social Competence in Psychological Research Interviews. In
Children and Mental Health Talk,
► pp. 167 ff.

Heritage, John
The ubiquity of epistemics: A rebuttal to the ‘epistemics of epistemics’ group.
Discourse Studies 20:1
► pp. 14 ff.

Nielsen, Søren Beck
‘And how long have you been sick?’: The discursive construction of symptom duration during acute general practice visits and its implications for ‘doctorability’.
Time & Society 27:3
► pp. 330 ff.

Hollander, Matthew M. & Jason Turowetz
Normalizing trust: Participants’ immediately post‐hoc explanations of behaviour in Milgram's ‘obedience’ experiments.
British Journal of Social Psychology 56:4
► pp. 655 ff.

Burch, Alfred Rue & Gabriele Kasper
Hollander, Matthew M. & Douglas W. Maynard
Do Unto Others . . . ? Methodological Advance and Self- Versus Other-Attentive Resistance in Milgram’s “Obedience” Experiments.
Social Psychology Quarterly 79:4
► pp. 355 ff.

Hollander, Matthew M.
The repertoire of resistance: Non‐compliance with directives in Milgram's ‘obedience’ experiments.
British Journal of Social Psychology 54:3
► pp. 425 ff.

Humă, Bogdana
Enhancing the authenticity of assessments through grounding in first impressions.
British Journal of Social Psychology 54:3
► pp. 405 ff.

Mayes, Patricia
Becoming an ‘autonomous writer’: Epistemic stance displays and membership categorization in the writing conference.
Discourse Studies 17:6
► pp. 752 ff.

Reynolds, Edward
How participants in arguments challenge the normative position of an opponent.
Discourse Studies 17:3
► pp. 299 ff.

Whitehead, Kevin A.
Everyday Antiracism in Action.
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 34:4
► pp. 374 ff.

Winder, Belinda, Brendan Gough & Sarah Seymour-Smith
Stumbling into Sexual Crime: The Passive Perpetrator in Accounts by Male Internet Sex Offenders.
Archives of Sexual Behavior 44:1
► pp. 167 ff.

Ekberg, Stuart
Maintaining shared knowledge of acquaintance: Methods people use to establish who knows whom.
British Journal of Social Psychology 53:4
► pp. 605 ff.

Robinson, Jeffrey D.
What “What?” Tells Us About How Conversationalists Manage Intersubjectivity.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 47:2
► pp. 109 ff.

Bergmann, Jörg
Die Trivialität der Katastrophe – Situationen als Grenzobjekte. In
► pp. 285 ff.

Gülich, Elisabeth
Erinnern – Erzählen – Interpretieren in Gesprächen mit Anfallskranken. In
Sozialität in Slow Motion,
► pp. 615 ff.

Hanson‐Easey, Scott Alen & Martha Augoustinos
Narratives from the neighbourhood: The discursive construction of integration problems in talkback radio1.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 16:1
► pp. 28 ff.

Heritage, John & Steven Clayman
Melvin Pollner: A View from the Suburbs.
The American Sociologist 43:1
► pp. 99 ff.

Bangerter, Adrian, Eric Mayor & Simona Pekarek Doehler
Reported Speech in Conversational Storytelling During Nursing Shift Handover Meetings.
Discourse Processes 48:3
► pp. 183 ff.

Peplow, David
‘Oh, I’ve known a lot of Irish people’: Reading groups and the negotiation of literary interpretation.
Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 20:4
► pp. 295 ff.

Wilkinson, Ray, Suzanne Beeke & Jane Maxim
Formulating Actions and Events With Limited Linguistic Resources: Enactment and Iconicity in Agrammatic Aphasic Talk.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 43:1
► pp. 57 ff.

Carlin, Andrew P.
Edward Rose and linguistic ethnography: an Ethno-inquiries approach to interviewing.
Qualitative Research 9:3
► pp. 331 ff.

Haddington, Pentti
Conversation Analysis by Ian Hutchby and Robin Wooffitt
An Introduction to Conversation Analysis by Anthony J. Liddicoat
Sequence Organization in Interaction: A Primer in Conversation Analysis by Emanuel A. Schegloff.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 13:5
► pp. 702 ff.

Kidwell, Mardi
What Happened?
: An Epistemics of Before and After in “At-the-Scene” Police Questioning
Research on Language and Social Interaction 42:1
► pp. 20 ff.

Schubert, Sarah J., Susan Hansen, Kyle R. Dyer & Mark Rapley
`ADHD patient' or `illicit drug user'? Managing medico-moral membership categories in drug dependence services.
Discourse & Society 20:4
► pp. 499 ff.

C. Campbell
Medicine, rhetoric and undermining: managing credibility in homeopathic practice.
Homeopathy 97:02
► pp. 76 ff.

Locke, Abigail
Managing Agency for Athletic Performance: A Discursive Approach to theZone.
Qualitative Research in Psychology 5:2
► pp. 103 ff.

Moss, Duncan & Rebecca Barnes
Birdsong and footprints: tangibility and intangibility in a mindfulness research project.
Reflective Practice 9:1
► pp. 11 ff.

Moss, Duncan, Melinda Waugh & Rebecca Barnes
A Tool for Life? Mindfulness as self-help or safe uncertainty.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 3:3
► pp. 132 ff.

Barnes, Rebecca & Duncan Moss
Communicating a feeling.
Discourse Studies 9:2
► pp. 123 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,
► pp. 741 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
Twenty-First Century Celebrity: Fame In Digital Culture,
► pp. 207 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 22 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.